About > About the USPTO Site Survey (ForeSee)

Image of Foresee Survey Popup WindowEffective 15 November 2003, visitors to the USPTO.GOV website may encounter a short popup survey that measures customer satisfaction with the website. The popup will appear to a randomly selected 2% sample of all visitors after viewing several pages on the site. A session cookie (that expires as soon as you leave the website) is used to count pages visited prior to activating the survey. Each survey contains up to 21 general questions that measure satisfaction in at least two of the following areas of interest:

  • content
  • functionality
  • look and feel
  • navigation
  • site performance

You may encounter the survey more than once throughout the year. Since the questions are randomly selected from a fixed pool of questions, the survey may not measure the same factors or include the same questions if you are sampled again.

This survey will not monitor where you have been on the site or what you were doing. The cookie is merely a counter that is incremented every time a page is opened. Your participation in and responses to the survey are confidential - nothing can be traced back to you as an individual respondent. The survey scripts will not be applied to or activated during the use of any of our online eBusiness systems; only content pages on the USPTO.GOV website are being measured.

The survey is presented by FORESEE RESULTS and is based on the methodology of the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), widely recognized as the standard for measuring consumer satisfaction with corporations and citizen satisfaction with government agencies. This ACSI-based survey has been approved for use by Federal agencies by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

Your participation in the survey is voluntary. We encourage your participation if you are presented with the survey. We will use the results to ensure that the USPTO maintains its position at the forefront of effective U.S. government web sites.

Is there a question about what the USPTO can or cannot do that you cannot find an answer for? Send questions about USPTO programs and services to the USPTO Contact Center (UCC). You can suggest USPTO webpages or material you would like featured on this section by E-mail to the webmaster@uspto.gov. While we cannot promise to accommodate all requests, your suggestions will be considered and may lead to other improvements on the website.