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 "Understanding our global environment and our role in it is the first step toward living in better harmony with nature."
Reports to the Nation:
Our Changing Planet

GCC Funded Projects

The data and figures displayed in the abstracts below are the result of scientific research funded by NOAA's GCC Program.  Please contact the Principal Investigator before you cite any data or use any figure.  Contact information is provided at the bottom of each abstract.

The information below is listed in the following order:

Principal Investigator
Project Duration
Project Title

Michael L. Bender
Princeton University
Jul 1999 - Jun 2002
Construction of Automated Samplers for Atmospheric Measurements Related to the Carbon Budget

James K.B. Bishop
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jul 2000 - Jun 2002
Autonomous Strategies for a Global Carbon Cycle Monitoring System

Francisco P. Chavez
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institution
Aug 2000 - Jun 2002
Scales of Variability in the Sources and Sinks of Carbon in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean

Margarita C. Conkright
May 1999 - Apr 2001
Assembly, Quality Control and Analysis of Components of the Carbon Dioxide System in Seawater

A. Scott Denning
Colorado State University
Jan 1999 - Dec 2001
Atmospheric CO2 Inversion Intercomparison Project (Trans Com)

Andrew G. Dickson
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Jun 1999 - May 2001
Synthesis of a Global Surface pCO2 Data Set

Scott C. Doney
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Aug 1999 - Jul 2002
The Impact of Interannual Variability on Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes and Oceanic Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Fields: Numerical Experiments in the NCAR CSM Ocean Model (NCOM)

James Ehleringer1, Joseph Berry2, A. Scott Denning3
1University of Utah, 2Carnegie Institution of Washington, 3Colorado State University
Jul 2000 - Jul 2003
Monitoring & Modeling Isotopic Exchange Between the Atmosphere and the Terrestrial Biosphere

Gregory C. Johnson1 and Lynne Talley2
1NOAA/PMEL, 2Scripps Institution of Oceanography
May 1999 - Apr 2001
Transport and Storage of Carbon in the Pacific Ocean: Estimates from Inverse Models

Ralph F. Keeling
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Jul 2000 - Jun 2003
Measurements of Variations in Atmospheric O2/N2 and Ar/N2 Ratios, CO2 Concentrations, and CO2 Isotopic Composition, in Relation to the Carbon Cycle and Climate.

Kitack Lee
May 1999 - Apr 2001
Degree of Saturation of CaCO2 in the Oceans

Tsung-Hung Peng
May 1999 - Apr 2001
Re-Evaluation of Redfield Ratios Using OACES and DOE/WOCE/JGOFS CO2 Survey Data

Paul D. Quay1 and Ann P. McNichol2
1JISAO/University of Washington, 2Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
May 1999 - Apr 2002
Oceanic CO2 Uptake Rates Derived from an Ocean-Wide 13C/12C-DIC Data Set

Christopher Sabine, Richard A. Feely1; Robert M. Key2; Frank Millero3; Alexander Kozyr4; Rik Wanninkhof5
1NOAA/PMEL, 2Princeton University, 3RSMAS, University of Miami, 4CDIAC, 5NOAA/AOML
May 1999 - Apr 2002
Synthesis and Interpretation of the NOAA/DOE Global CO2 Survey Data

Jorge L. Sarmiento1; Pieter P. Tans2; Steven Hankin3
1Princeton University, 2NOAA/CMDL, 3NOAA/PMEL
Jul 1999 - Apr 2002

Taro Takahashi
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Jul 1999 - Jun 2001
Southern Ocean Surface Ocean CO2 Measurements Aboard the RV/IB Nathaniel B. Palmer, 1999-2000

Taro Takahashi
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Nov 2000 - Oct 2002
Climatological Distribution of Sea-Air pCO2 Difference and the Net CO2 Uptake Flux Over the Global Oceans

Pieter P. Tans
Jun 2000 - May 2003
The Global Air Sampling Network

Pieter P. Tans1 and Tony Grainger2
1NOAA/CMDL, 2University of North Dakota
Jul 1999 - Jun 2002
CO2 Budget and Rectification Airborne Study -- North America (COBRA--NA)

Michael H. Unsworth
Oregon State University
Aug 2000 - Jul 2002
Influence of Climate Variability on the Seasonal and Annual Carbon Exchange of Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems: Combination of Process-Based Analysis and a 103 Year High Resolution Climate Data Set.

Rik Wanninkhof
Jul 2000 - Jun 2002
Underway CO2 Measurements on the NOAA Ships Ka'imimoana and Ron Brown

Rik Wanninkhof
May 1999 - Apr 2002
Meridional Transport of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Atlantic Ocean

GasEx 2001:

Landmark Study of Air-Sea Gas Exchange Underway in Equatorial Pacific

Michael D. DeGrandpre1, Rik Wanninkhof2, Wade R. McGillis3
1The University of Montana, 2NOAA/AOML, 3Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Jul 2000 - Oct 2002
The Effect of Small-Scale Variability of pCO2 on the Determination of Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes

Richard A. Feely
Jul 2000 - Oct 2002
Core CO2 and Hydrographic Measurements During the GasEx 2001 Experiment

Nelson Frew1 and Tetsu Hara2
1Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2The University of Rhode Island
Aug 2000 - Oct 2002
Air-Sea Gas Transfer Velocity: Its Dependence on Small-Scale Surface Waves and Surface Films

Jeffery E. Hare
CIRES/University of Colorado
Sep 2000 - Oct 2002
Direct Measurement of Gas Transfer Over the Open Sea: Instrumentation and Techniques

Wade R. McGillis1, Mark Donelan2
1Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2RSMAS, University of Miami
Jun 2000 - Oct 2002
Air-Sea Carbon Dioxide Fluxes and Surface Physical Processes

Jia-Zhong Zhang1, Calvin W. Mordy2
Jun 2000 - Oct 2002
Nutrient, Oxygen and Chlorophyll-a Analysis During GasEx 20


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Last Updated September 2, 2004