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doj sealOffice of Attorney Recruitment and Management


We understand that applicants appreciate prompt, reliable feedback concerning the status of their applications. Due to our extremely limited staff, we cannot accept telephone calls. Instead, the Department of Justice will notify applicants of key status changes (e.g., whether he or she is selected for an interview or for consideration for employment, or selected as a finalist, etc.) electronically using the e-mail address listed in the application. Concurrently, the Department will post those and other status changes on-line. Applicants may check for changes in the status of their applications by visiting www.avuedigitalservices.com/dojoarm/applicant.html, entering their User ID and password, and selecting the “Application Status” link. Status changes will be posted when any of the events listed below occurs. This list is a compilation of all possible status changes that can be posted on-line; however, it is not possible for a single applicant to receive all listed changes.

  • The application is received by the Department of Justice
  • Eligibility review determines that the applicant is not eligible
  • The application is referred to the components designated by the applicant for review
  • For Honors Program applicants: The applicant is selected for an interview by one or more of the components
  • For Summer Law Intern Program applicants: The applicant is selected for consideration for employment by one or more of the components
  • The applicant is not selected for an interview or consideration for employment
  • The application remains under review – a decision has not yet been made
  • For Honors Program applicants: The applicant was selected as a finalist by at least one of the interviewing components
  • For Summer Law Intern Program applicants: The applicant was selected as a finalist by at least one of the components that selected him or her for consideration for employment
  • The applicant was not selected as a finalist
  • The applicant withdrew
  • The applicant accepted an offer

The Department provides limited status reports to law school career services offices concerning the status of their students. Career services offices are provided the names of applicants who attend or attended that law school; the names of applicants from that law school who were selected for an Honors Program interview; or, for the Summer Law Intern Program, selected for consideration for employment; and the names of applicants from that law school who accept an offer of employment from the Department.

Page Update: July 15, 2003