Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area

News Release

For Release: Immediate

Contact: Laurie Jackson

Phone: (617) 223-8040


Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area Announces

Harbor Islands Cleanup on Saturday, May 3, 2003


Join the Boston Harbor Islands national park area on Saturday, May 3, 2003, for a spring cleanup of the islands. This is a great volunteer opportunity for individuals, school groups, and corporate groups who want to be involved in community projects.

Boston Harbor Cruises will provide ferry transportation to the islands for all volunteers. There will be two boats, the first will leave Long Wharf in Boston at 9:00 AM, stop at Georges, Grape, and Rainsford islands, and will return to Long Wharf at 3:15 PM. The second will leave from the John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse at Fan Pier at 9:30 AM, stop at Thompson Island, and return to Fan Pier at 4:15 PM. The park will supply gloves and garbage bags. Please dress appropriately for the weather and bring a brown bag lunch and plenty of water for the day. To register please call 617-223-8040 and speak with Laurie Jackson.

Boston Harbor Islands national park area contains some 34-islands lying within Boston Harbor. The islands range in size from less than one acre to 214 acres and together embrace 1,600 acres of land over an area of 50 square miles. The mission of the park is to make the island system an integral park of the life of the surrounding communities and region, and to protect the islands as a resource of national significance, while improving public knowledge and access for education, recreation, and restful solitude within an urban area.

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