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Flood Insurance - National Flood Insurance Program

List of Companies/Vendors Providing Flood Insurance Rating Software

as of 9/09/04

This is a list of private Companies/Vendors offering their Rating Software Packages to help write Federal Flood Insurance. Click to learn more about each package.

AV Enterprises LLC
Jenny Kottler, Marketing Manager
PMB 166
3216 West Esplanade Ave., A4
Metairie, LA 70002
Phone: 504-891-1044
Fax: 504-899-0311
Web Site:

AV Flash Flood (AVF) is quick (provides a rate in just 15 seconds) and easy to use. AVF provides rates for residential, multiple family and commercial properties in all zones. Printed quotes are customized with agency information. Quotes may be stores for future retrieval. AVF may be loaded to your hard drive or used from a floppy port. The program includes an elevation calculator that uses the FIRM requirements and elevation of the property. The program also calculates midterm rates to increase limits. Works in a Windows environment and is only 798 KB.

To order, send $60 (plus 8.75% tax in Louisiana), payable to Aviosk Enterprises to the address above. The software is licensed for single station use. Additional licensed disks and/or network stations ($10 each)can be ordered with the purchase of the primary disk.

A free demonstration download is available at our web site:


Computer Science Innovations, Inc.
Judy Kennedy, Product Manager
1235 Evans Road
Melbourne, FL 32904-2314
(407) 676-2923, ext. 231
(888) 823-2923
web address:

Our National Flood Rater provides rating for Standard, Residential Condominium Association, Preferred Risk, Mortgage Portfolio, and Provisional policies.  

With National Flood Rater, rating is made easy with single-screen input and picklists. Our product contains community lookup tables for all 50 states and participating U.S. Territories. The National Flood Rater automatically determines Pre- or Post-FIRM status and calculates Community Rating System (CRS) discounts and community probation surcharges.

National Flood Rater integrates with applications, saving your staff time. Our application is identical to the FEMA application in the NFIP manual. It also prints Customer Quotes and Insurance Worksheets. The system is capable of saving applications and quotes. You can print, FAX, or e-mail quotes, worksheets, and applications from within the program.

Our program is designed to run on IBM or IBM PC compatible computers and a majority of PC Networks.

System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows 95 or Windows NT
25 MB of Hard Drive Space
Minimum of 16 MB of RAM (Random Access Memory), 32 MB of RAM recommended.


Enterprise Consulting, Inc.
Pat White, President
P.O. Box 274
Keego Harbor,
MI 48320
(248) 682-6956
Fax (248) 682-7167


StdFlood(c) - NFIP Flood Rating Software rates residential, commercial, condo master, condo unit owner, preferred risk, mortgage portfolio and provisionally rated policies. The system prints quotes, applications, endorsements, and cancellations, all on plain paper eliminating the need to stock custom flood forms.

StdFlood(c) includes NFIP Community Files for all 50 states and participating U.S. Territories, at no additional charge. These community files, with convenient name or number lookup, allow the system to automatically determine Pre- or Post-FIRM status and automatically calculate Community Rating System (CRS) discounts and community probation surcharges.

The Online Help System includes the text of the most commonly referenced NFIP Flood Manual sections for your convenience. StdFlood(c) is a complete system; it does all zones, all rates and all communities. Our forms are accepted for NFIP direct business and by all NFIP flood vendors.

Enterprise Consulting has been providing the Standard in flood rating software since 1989, and StdFlood© is, by far, the best flood rating package on the market.

StdFlood© can be purchased and downloaded directly form our website at starting at $18.95.

System Requirements:
IBM PC or compatible
Windows 95 or above
Network Compatible


Insurance Technologies Corp.
Lori Cahill, Support Dept. Coordinator
1335 Valwood Pkwy., Suite 108
Carrollton, Texas 75006
(800) 383-3482 Ext. 128
Fax (972) 242-3858


Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC) offers the most comprehensive Flood rating program available today. Our flood program includes the Standard Policy, Preferred Risk, Condo Master and the Mortgage Portfolio Protection Policies, all in one easy to use program.

This program also integrates the rating with applications, eliminating double entry of information. In addition, ITC offers a nationwide community look-up program which will automatically find, and pull in the community number, program phase, CRS discount, FIRM date and the probation surcharge if applicable.

ITC's Flood rating program is the fastest, easiest to use, and the most flexible rating program available.

System Requirements:
Pentium 166
32 MB of RAM
15 MB of Hard Drive Space
Windows 95 or higher
CD-Rom drive
Network Compatible


*NOTE: This list is in response to requests for such information.

This list reflects only those companies who responded to FEMA request of Companies and Vendors who offer rating software relating to NFIP. All information about the products has been supplied by the company/vendors.

If a Company or Vendor that provides such services wishes to appear on this list, it should send a fax to FEMA/NFIP at (301) 918-1471, indicate the services it provides, and request that it be included on this list. It must include the Company name, address telephone number and Fax number. The responding companies will be listed in alphabetical order.

FEMA strongly encourages potential users of these services to carefully review not only the end product(s) that the Company/Vendor promises, but also the process that is used by the Company/Vendor providing the service.

Last Updated: Friday, 22-Oct-2004 13:33:49 EDT
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