Draft Provisional Guidance on the Implementation
of the 1997 Standards for the Collection of Federal Data
on Race and Ethnicity

As a follow-on to the Office of Management and Budget’s October 1997 announcement of revised government-wide standards for the collection of data on race and ethnicity, the Tabulation Working Group of the Interagency Committee for the Review of Standards for Data on Race and Ethnicity has recently issued a report, “Draft Provisional Guidance on the Implementation of the 1997 Standards for the Collection of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity.”[PDF] This guidance, which has been developed with the involvement of many Federal agencies, essentially was requested by those agencies and the many users of data on race and ethnicity. The guidance focuses on three areas: collecting data using the new standards, tabulating data collected under the new standards, and building bridges to compare data collected under the new and the old standards. Following a two month period for discussion by stakeholders within and outside government, the Office of Management and Budget expects to issue provisional guidance at the end of April. OMB expects the guidance issued at that time will evolve further as data from Census 2000 and other data collections employing the new collection standards become available.

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