Archived Issues

United States Office of Personnel Management

New Developments in Employee
and Labor Relations


This archived site is provided so that you can have access to older issues of New Developments in Employee and Labor Relations. This publication contains case law and other information which may still be helpful to employee and labor relations specialists. However, since these issues of New Developments are not current, some of the decisions may have been overturned and some of the contact information may no longer be correct.

Please note that the case descriptions are necessarily concise and are only intended to provide enough detail to allow readers to identify cases of potential interest. These descriptions should not be interpreted as the Office of Personnel Management's endorsement of the case law, and some of the holdings raised in the descriptions may be inconsistent with the Office of Personal Management's policy and subject to continuing litigation. Readers are also reminded that in some instances the Office of Personnel Management's policy may be modified by individual agency regulations and applicable collective bargaining agreements. In such cases, consultation with agency headquarters staff is essential.