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  Home » Dept of Energy   View the Community Map
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Picture of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham
Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham:
Reliable, low-cost energy is one of the great blessings enjoyed by the American people.
DoE Leadership

 • Radiological Emergency Response Assistance and Resources Document
 • Department of Energy - Hazardous Materials Transportation
 • Dose and Risk Resources
 • Science and Technology for National Security
 • Radiological Assistance Program
 • Department of Energy - National Security Mission
 • Nonproliferation and National Security Institute (NNSI)
 • Department of Energy Nevada Test Site - Capabilities: Emergency Response
 • Global Security International Emergency Cooperation Program
 • Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site
 • RESRAD Family of Codes (Radionuclide Doses and Risk)
 • National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (NARAC)
 • GENII - The Hanford Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System
 • RSICC CODE PACKAGE CCC-652 (DOE Radiation Information Computational Center)
 • DOE/IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies (Department of Energy, International Association of Fire Fighters)
 • Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability (ARAC) - Emergency Response Modeling System
 • Chemical Management
 • Los Alamos National Laboratory - Threat Reduction Programs
 • Center for Homeland Security - Workshop Presentations
 • Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory - Homeland Security
 • Hazardous Materials Management and Emergency Response (HAMMER) - Training Center
 • Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - States and Tribal Education Program

 • Chemical & Biological Defense Programs
 • Department of Energy - Environmental Measurement Laboratory - Homeland Security Monitoring Network
 • National Security (Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory)
 • UrbanSecurity (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
 • Federal Energy Management Program - Technical Assistance: Counting on Solar Power for Disaster Relief

Click here to access the DOE Website site in a separate browser window.

 • Advice for Safeguarding Buildings Against Biological or Chemical Attack
 • Airflow and Pollutant Transport Group
 • Cleanup Criteria / Decision Document (C2D2) database
 • Department of Energy EnviroSearch
 • Department of Energy Nevada Test Site - Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP) Brochure
 • Smart Communities Network - Sustainable Development (Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network EREN)
 • Building for Disaster Mitigation (Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network EREN)
 • State Energy Program - Sustainability and Disaster Relief (Department of Energy and FEMA)
 • Forest Service - Fire Management (Department of Energy, Savannah River Site)

 • Department of Energy - Biota Dose Assessment Committee Focus Area
 • Department of Energy Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Tutorial Index
 • Department of Energy Nevada Test Site - Hazardous Material Spill Center
 • EMAdvantage: Introduction
 • Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC)
 • Counterterrorism and Homeland Security Capabilities (Sandia National Laboratories)
 • Sandia National Laboratories Home Page
 • Department of Energy - Federal Radiological Monitoring & Assessment Center (FRMAC)
 • BioSafety
 • Radiological Safety Training

 • National Energy Technology Laboratory ES&H/ISM - Emergency Preparedness
 • Department of Energy Hanford Site Fire Department
 • Department of Energy - Oak Ridge Reservation - Emergency Preparedness
 • Department of Energy - Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant - Emergency Preparedness
 • Department of Energy - Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory - Emergency Services Unit
 • Department of Energy - Carlsbad Field Office - Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
 • Department of Energy - Pantex Plant - Managing Emergency Events
 • Department of Energy - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -Emergency Service
 • Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory)
 • Antiterrorism Initiatives (Brookhaven National Lab)
 • Hazard Prevention and Control - Emergency Preparedness