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  LIS PI meeting agenda (As of 4/14/99)
May 3-4, 1999
Georgetown University Conference Center

Sunday May 2nd

Participants arrive

Poster room open for posting
Monday, May 3rd 8 am to 9 am Breakfast and Registration; 
Poster room open for posting.
9 am to 9:30 am Opening remarks and official NSF welcome.
9:30 am to 10:30 am Round Table I:
How has LIS funding impacted the type of research conducted (or its goals)?
10:30 am to 11am Break.
11 am to 12:30 pm Round Table II:
Language and Computing 

(Aslin, Greenberg, Johnson, Mishra, Mitchell, Mitter, Smolensky)
12:30 pm to 1 pm Lunch. Introduction of the CRLT Learning Technology Centers.
1 pm to 2 pm Poster sessions open.
2 pm to 3:30 pm Round Table III:
Concepts and Representations

(Ashley, DeFanti, Gelman, Grossberg, Henderson, Huttenlocher, Mozer, Ross, Touretsky)
3:30 pm to 4 pm  Break. Poster sessions open.
4 pm to 6 pm Round Table IV: 
Perception and Action

(Anderson, Beer, Berthier, Finkel, Ghosh, Krishnaprasad, Loomis. Niebur, Poggio, Russell, Shapley, Warren)
6 pm Dinner on your own.
Tuesday, May 4th 8 am to 9 am Breakfast. Poster sessions open.
9 am to 10:00 am Round Table V:
Barriers and Successes of Multidisciplinary work:

what have we learned? what impact will LIS have?
10 am to 10:30 am Break. Poster sessions open.
10:30 am to noon  Round Table VI: 
Teaching and Learning

(Bransford, Graesser, Lee, Lester, Lovett, McClelland, Reiser, Stillings, Suthers)
noon to 2:30 pm Lunch. Poster sessions open.
2:30 pm to 4 pm Round Table VII:
Where do we go from here: Funding and the next

generation of "learning sciences" researchers.
4 pm Adjourn.