Lightning Photos

Notice: All the images contained within this document are copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduction by any means, including electronic, without the photographer's permission is a violation of the United States Copyright law.

All photos by Stephen Hodanish unless otherwise stated. If you are interested in using any of these photos, please contact me.

More photos will be added as time permits. I hope you enjoy the photos. Please note: for those with a slow internet connection, some of the photo files are quite large and may take a minute or two to load.

Click on image for a larger view.

Ft Collins, Colorado. Taken from atop CSU Atmospheric Science building

Ballard Park, Melbourne, Florida

Ft Collins, Colorado, near exit 269 of I-25

Horsetooth Reservoir
Ft Collins, Colorado

Horsetooth Reservoir
Ft Collins Colorado

Lightning over Indian River, Melbourne, FL

Horsetooth Reservoir
Ft Collins, Colorado

Pueblo Reservoir; Aug 00

Pueblo Reservoir

Pueblo Reservoir

Pueblo Reservoir

Pueblo Reservoir

Pueblo West, Colorado

Norman Oklahoma

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