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New Technology Demonstrations
Technology Submittal Form

If you are a member of a Federal energy management team (Federal energy manager, energy coordinator, building manager, facility manager, procurement official, operations and maintenance manager, etc.), the New Technology Demonstration activity is interested in hearing about which new technologies you need to know more about in order to achieve your program goals. Please send us your requests.

If you have heard of a new or emerging energy-efficient, water-conservation, or renewable-energy technology and you would like the New Technology Demonstration activity to consider evaluating the technology, please take the time to submit the technology to us using the form below.

Please fill out the following form and then click the submit button. All fields marked by an asterisk (graphic asterisk) are required.

(150 characters maximum)
Check all that apply
Space heating Space cooling
Ventilation Boilers and ancillary
Service water heating Lighting
Steam and condensate systems Motors
Industrial process Waste heat or energy recovery
Humidification Dehumidification
Controls Building envelop and weatherization
Glazing (windows) Potable water
Irrigation water Process water
Energy procurement Other

(Maximum 250 words)
(What does it do? How does it work? How does it save energy?)

(Maximum 50 words)
Be as specific as possible, i.e., Btu/sqft-yr, kWh/sqft-yr, $/yr, %energy/yr, etc.)

(Maximum 50 words)

(Maximum 50 words)
(Do O&M activities and costs increase or decrease with the new technology compared to the conventional/replaced technology?)

(Maximum 50 words)
(Building type, climate, utility rates, hours of operation, etc.)

(Maximum 50 words)
(Be as specific as possible, cost of the new technology, balance of equipment cost, installation cost, etc.)
Select one
Commercially available Alpha/Beta units for demonstration/testing
Product in design Custom ordered
Lab model only

(Maximum 150 words)
(Manufacturer contact information, phone number, e-mail, web sites)