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DOJ Seal

FY2004 Budget Summary

(Dollars in thousands)
  Pos. FTE Amount
2002 Obligations * ... ... $6,871
2003 President's Budget Request ... ... 15,942
Adjustments to Base
     Increases (see page 28) ... ... 298
2004 Current services ... ... 16,240
     Program Improvements (see details below) ... ... 17,000
2004 Request ... ... 33,240

* The 2002 Obligations figure reflects direct obligations. An additional $4.337 million was obligated in FY 2002 from Working Capital Fund unobligated balance transfers.

    2003 President's Budget Request 2004 Current Services 2004 Request Program Improvements/Offsets
Comparison by activity and program Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount
  Legal Activities Office Automation ... ... $15,942 ... ... $16,240 ... ... $33,240 ... ... $17,000

  Program Description
  The mission of the Justice Consolidated Office Network (JCON) Program is to provide interoperability among 12 of the Department of Justice's litigating, management, and law enforcement components by implementing a reliable, robust office automation infrastructure upon which they can operate their mission critical applications. The Department expects to add up to $33,000,000 to the $33,240,000 budget request, subject to the availability of Working Capital Fund unobligated balance transfers.
  The Department is committed to completing the deployment of the JCON architecture as soon as possible. Several of the JCON components are currently operating old office automation systems that are unreliable, lack proper security controls, and cannot meet mission critical requirements for data processing and electronic communication. Based on the rate of technology change, computer systems quickly reach their life cycle maturity. Department attorneys, managers, and law enforcement officials must have the ability to collect, organize, analyze, and disseminate information easily and reliably.
  Program Improvements Perm
FTE Amount
  JCON Deployment ... ... $17,000
  The FY 2004 Request includes a $17,000,000 Program Improvement for JCON Deployment. These resources would primarily be used to further fund the US Marshals Service deployment, allowing USMS to attain approximately 92% deployment of the JCON architecture.
  Program Offsets
  Total Program Changes, Legal Activities Office Automation ... ... $17,000

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