Ombuds Mission & Vision

Our mission is to transform the Sandia community by creatively engaging people in relationship to Sandia by solving problems through conflict resolution and other services.

We believe a few people can make a big difference. As active agents, we engage the Labs in the constructive development of a peaceful and secure world by stimulating robust, enduring relationships resulting in personal fulfillment and business success.

Ombuds Features
  • Neutrality: The Ombuds are advocates for fair processes. They assist in the creation of mutually agreeable resolutions. They do not act as advocates for Sandia management, Sandia employees, or Sandia business partners.
  • Confidentiality: The Ombuds keep no formal written records and take no action without your permission. Confidentiality is preserved except in cases of imminent harm to an individual or a threat to national security.
  • Organizational Independence: The Ombuds Office, though part of Sandia, is not a part of any other Sandia business or technical area.
  • National Affiliation: The SNL Ombuds adhere to the National Ombudsman Association's (TOA) Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
Ombuds Assistance | Background

Contact Us | Our Mission | Services Available | Other Resources | Evaluation | Dispute Resolution Tutorial | For Suppliers | For Tech Transfer Partners | For Contractors | Update on Ombuds Posting | FY03 Client Summary Presentation | "What's an Ombudsman?" | Ombuds Video: Get an inside look

home Phone: (505) 844-9763
Fax: (505) 844-9768
Toll-free: (866) 236-9874
Email: Ombuds

For information or to schedule an appointment: e-mailBonnie R. Wheeler | Maintained by Deborah Serna and Bonnie R. Wheeler |

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