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Administrative Decisions
regarding Private Trustees

                Notice & Disclaimers | Redacted Summary (pdf)

The United States Trustee Program's duties include supervising private bankruptcy trustees.  If a United States Trustee decides to suspend or terminate case assignments to a panel or standing trustee, that trustee may obtain administrative review of the decision from the Executive Office for U.S. Trustees.  See 28 C.F.R. § 58.6; 28 U.S.C. § 586. Copies of the Executive Office's administrative decisions are publicly available below pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(2), although  certain information has been redacted in the interest of personal privacy in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6). 

Portable Document Format  Case No. 03-0002, Decided January 21, 2004

Portable Document Format  Case No. 03-0004, Decided January 21, 2004

Portable Document Format  Case No. 03-0005, Decided August 18, 2003

Portable Document Format  Case No. 02-0008, Decided February 3, 2003

Portable Document Format  Case No. 02-0009, Decided January 29, 2003

Portable Document Format  Case No. 02-0007, Decided November 15, 2002

Portable Document Format  Case No. 02-0006, Decided December 17, 2002

Portable Document Format  Case No. 02-0005, Decided February 28, 2003

Portable Document Format  Case No. 02-0004, Decided October 08, 2002

Portable Document Format  Case No. 02-0003, Decided July 01, 2002

Portable Document Format  Case No. 02-0002, Decided October 23, 2002

Portable Document Format  Case No. 02-0001, Decided May 2, 2002

Portable Document Format  Case No. 01-0004, Decided October 24, 2001

Portable Document Format  Case No. 01-0003, Decided July 24, 2001

Portable Document Format  Case No. 01-0002, Decided July 24, 2001

Portable Document Format  Case No. 01-0001, Decided February 02, 2001

Portable Document Format  Case No. 00-0006, Decided December 28, 2000

Portable Document Format  Case No. 00-0005, Decided November 9, 2000

Portable Document Format  Case No. 00-0004, Decided September 29, 2000

Portable Document Format  Case No. 00-0003, Decided August 14, 2000

Portable Document Format  Case No. 00-0002, Decided June 26, 2000

Portable Document Format  Case No. 00-0001, Decided April 28, 2000

Portable Document Format  Case No. 99-0004, Decided February 9, 2000

Portable Document Format  Case No. 99-0003, Decided December 1, 1999

Portable Document Format  Case No. 99-0002, Decided September 8, 1999

Portable Document Format  Case No. 99-0001, Dismissed as moot April 22, 1999

Portable Document Format  Case No. 98-0004, Decided October 2, 1998

Portable Document Format  Case No. 98-0003, Decided May 28, 1998

Portable Document Format  Case No. 98-0002, Decided May 28, 1998

Portable Document Format  Case No. 98-0001, Decided March 23, 1998

Portable Document Format  Case No. 98-A-1, Decided July 23, 1998

Portable Document Format  Case No. 97-0001, Decided January 12, 1998

Portable Document Format  Case No. 97-A-7, Decided March 24, 1998

Portable Document Format  Case No. 97-A-6, Decided April 22, 1998

Portable Document Format  Case No. 97-A-5, Decided April 22, 1998

Portable Document Format  Case No. 97-A-4, Decided March 24, 1998

        Case No. 97-A-3 (Withdrawn by private trustee before decision)

Portable Document Format  Case No. 97-A-2, Decided November 24, 1997

Portable Document Format  Case No. 97-A-1, Decided August 21, 1997


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Page Last Updated: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 5:18 PM
U.S. Trustee Program/Department of Justice
For Official Use Only — usdoj/ust/rs