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Last Updated
June 1, 2004
Jusice Management Division, Office of the Chief Information Officer

About the Office of the CIO
Chief Information Officer, Vance Hitch

CIO Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide information technology leadership that advances the Department of Justice's mission, improves management effectiveness, and delivers superior results to the Department's employees and U.S. citizens.

Clinger-Cohen Act

The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, previously called the Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA or, PL.104-106), established the role of Chief Information Officers in the government and formed the interagency Chief Information Officers' Council. The intent of the Act is to improve government performance through the effective application of information technology and empower CIOs with the ability to make wise use of taxpayer dollars when making investments in IT systems and programs.

Per Attorney General Order 2572-2002, the CIO reports directly to the Attorney General: " I hereby designate the Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Information Resources Management, to be the Chief Information Officer for the Department of Justice. The Chief Information Officer shall report to the Attorney General with respect to the duties assigned to this office under 40 U.S.C. 1425. For all other purposes, the Chief Information Officer shall report to the Assistant Attorney General for Administration." In essence, the Justice CIO serves dual roles: CIO for the Department as well as CIO of the Justice Management Division.

DOJ CIO Council

The DOJ CIO established the Council to support the implementation of the Clinger-Cohen Act, Computer Security Act, Government Paperwork Elimination Act, Government Performance and Results Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, and other federal laws and policies related to IT management, review and make recommendations to the DOJ CIO on IT projects, strategies, policies, procedures and practices, both Department-wide or for any component(s); support the implementation of Department IT investment management, architecture, and security policies, procedures and practices, support the formulation and adoption of a Department IT architecture; advise the DOJ CIO on establishing and implementing IT security initiatives and activities; provide technical expertise to the DOJ CIO and ITIB on component and DOJ IT investments and information sharing initiatives; identify IT-related policy or fiscal issues that could affect the ability of the Department to fulfill its missions; and share best practices; in IT management.

CIO Staffs

E-Government Staff

The mission of the E-Government Staff is to facilitate the timely, cost effective delivery of high quality information by making Department of Justice information and services readily available to citizens via the Internet, and by improving electronic communication across Justice and among the Department's mission partners.

Enterprise Solutions Staff

The mission of the Enterprise Solutions Staff is to effectively manage and oversee critical IT Projects so that they meet cost, schedule, and performance goals.

Operations Services Staff

The mission of Operations Services is to provide a secure, reliable, and highly available IT infrastructure that enables information sharing and fulfills program needs throughout the Department of Justice. This will be achieved by guiding the acquisition, development, deployment, operations, and maintenance of a robust IT infrastructure that includes computing platforms, telecommunications networks, desktops, messaging, web services, and contract services.

Policy and Planning Staff

The mission of the Policy and Planning Staff is to develop, implement, and oversee an integrated approach for effectively and efficiently planning and managing Department of Justice information technology resources.

IT Security Staff

The mission of the Information Technology Security Staff (ITSS) is to ensure the protection of Department of Justice information systems that collect, process, transmit, store, and/or disseminate either classified or sensitive but unclassified (SBU) information.

Justice Management Division Organizational Chart

The President's Leadership Team within the Department of Justice

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