Office of
Legal Education Department of Justice |
OLE has a Videotape Lending Library of tapes which are available for
the following:
(Don't forget .. there are Audiotapes available for borrowing.)
Examine complex litigation issues through the prism of a federal tax trial. Senior trial attorneys from the government and defense bar examine critical issues like effectively dealing with the government's investigation. Gathering, organizing and managing volumes of evidence, the proper handling of documents in the face of a government summons or subpoenas, recent changes in the law regarding destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice and IRS Circular 230 will all be explored. Originally broadcast on JTN June 27, 2003.
Running time: 4 hours
CLE: 50= 4.5 60= 4.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
Experienced practitioners understand that it is as important to avoid mistakes during trial as it is to execute a brilliant trial strategy. A panel of expert trial lawyers with years of experience winning cases instruct how not to drop the ball--and, to know what to do when your opponent does. This tape also includes a 15 minute Supreme Court Update from Georgetown University's Supreme Court Institute. (U.S. Dept of Justice 07/2002)
Running time: 4 hours
CLE: 50= 4.5 60= 4.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
This two-day series of tapes brings together experienced trial lawyers, communications experts, and social scientists to explore basic advocacy techniques for the jury trial. It helps litigators evaluate potential jurors; develop effective themes for their cases; and present their cases in a persuasive way. The series consists of nine programs. The program commences with trial lawyers sharing their insights on jury selection and persuasion techniques followed by demonstrations, interviews, and discussions to allow viewers to examine in detail effective strategies for jury selection and persuasive advocacy in both civil and criminal cases. In addition the program also looks at how focus groups can be used to enhance the trial lawyer's understanding of how lay persons will react to a case. The series concludes with a program developed with the assistance of a jury research organization which explains how they identify important issues in the case; analyze the impact of group dynamics on verdict discussions; prepare effective demonstrative exhibits; evaluate witnesses; and develop voir dire questions.
Running time: 8 hours, 16 minutes
CLE: 50= 11.0 60= 9.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
Asset Forfeiture chiefs discuss criminal forfeiture procedure; forfeiture of proceeds; forfeiture of property used to commit or otherwise involved in the offense; as well as jurisdictional issues. (U.S. Dept of Justice 10/2002)
Running time: 2 hours
CLE: 50= 2.5 60= 2.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
This two and a half hour presentation explains how to effectively prepare, depose, and defend crucial witnesses in employment litigation. This particular video presents a sexual harassment scenario along with interviews, illustrations, deliberation, and commentary.
Running time: 190 minutes
CLE: 50= 3.8 60= 3.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
In this one-day videotape showing, Professor Norbert S. Jacker explains the benefits of getting background information, holding practice negotiation sessions, and creating the proper atmosphere for negotiation participants. Topics include: preparing for negotiations; strategy and tactics in negotiations; and psychological factors in negotiations.
Running time: 150 minutes
CLE: 50= 3.5 60= 3.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
An overview of legal ethics with Assistant United States Attorney Gordon Zubrod, Middle District of Pennsylvania, and Assistant United States Attorney Eric Klumb, Eastern District of Wisconsin. Originally presented June 20, 2003, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legal Education.
Running time: 120 minutes
CLE: 50= 2.4 60= 2.0 (Ethics: 2.0)
Chief of the Computer Crime Section reviews the Rules of Professional Conduct. Survey will cover a host of applicable statutes, rules, regulations and cases, with particular attention devoted to the thorniest recurring ethical issues: Rule 3.3 on candor toward the tribunal; Rule 3.6 on publicity; Rule 3.8 on the special responsibilities of a prosecutor; and Rule 4.2 on contacts with represented parties. (U.S. Dept of Justice 12/2002)
Running time: 2 hours
CLE: 50= 2.5 60= 2.0 (Ethics: 2.0)
A special committee was established by the American Bar Association Litigation Section to study jury comprehension in complex cases. This video series is the result of the three yearstudy of juries and their level of comprehension in complex cases. It also provides techniques to improve the jury trials based on the Committee's years of study and observation.
Running time: 255 minutes
CLE: 50= 5.0 60= 4.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
This half-day videotape series moderated by the Honorable Marion E. Aspen, an experienced federal judge who served on an ABA special committee examining jury comprehension in complex cases, teaches employment litigators the techniques and strategies of jury trials. The faculty consists of skilled trial lawyers and employment litigators. The topics covered include: legislative changes increasing the availability of jury trials; shaping the case for trial to a jury; jury selection and jury comprehension; motion practice in jury trials; jury instructions; and proving compensatory and punitive damages.
Running time: 159 minutes
CLE: 50= 3.5 60= 3.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
This two tape series will demonstrate how to make direct examination memorable and convincing. The program is addressed to both civil and criminal trial lawyers and explains more than 50 ways to bring direct examination to life. Terence MacCarthy gives straightforward techniques for making direct examination persuasive and memorable, including how to structure examination for impact, how to emphasize important testimony and how to speak in a way that jurors understand. (A Videotaped Lecture Series - Produced by ABA-CLE and the Section of Litigation, 1996)
Running time: 2 hours, 30 minutes
CLE: 50= 3.0 60= 2.5 (Ethics: 0.0)
This video presents a case and discusses how to prepare the oral argument from the point of view of the appellant, the appellee, and the court's perspective. Interviews are included as well as the actual argument to the Court. The Court also discusses their views of the case followed by a discussion with all the participants about the arguments.
Running time: 105 minutes
CLE: 50= 2.0 60= 1.7 (Ethics: 0.0)
AUSAs and special agents discuss technology used for investigating money laundering in the 21st century. Focus on: (1) Technology during investigation and trial (2) Discovery issues (3) Software and hardware used during investigation, trial preparation and trial. (U.S. Dept of Justice 04/2002)
Running time: 2 hours
CLE: 50= 2.5 60= 2.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
Description not available at this time.
Running time:
CLE: 50= 60= (Ethics: )
This tape provides an innovative look at the drug problem from the demand perspective by introducing ways in which United States Attorneys can adopt a Sanctions Based Demand Reduction Program in their districts. While recognizing that effective strategies for Sanctions Based Demand Reduction vary greatly from district to district, the program is designed to provide examples of unique approaches and effective strategies to tailor for your district. (U.S. Dept of Justice 01/2003)
Running time: 3 hours
CLE: 50= 3.5 60= 3.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
The scope of cross-examination, ethical considerations, the "Look Good" system of cross-examination and impeachment by prior inconsistent statement are included in this video, which is followed by discussions and questions.
Running time: 190 minutes
CLE: 50= 3.8 60= 3.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
This half-day videotape series is intended to teach the fundamental skills involved in preparing for, taking, and defending depositions. The series includes demonstrations of preparing and deposing both lay and expert witnesses.
Running time: 207 minutes
CLE: 50= 5.0 60= 4.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
This program is presented by expert panelists who present practical information and new insights on effective negotiating approaches, strategies, and methods. They analyze various dramatized negotiating styles and present proven techniques. They discuss how to establish a positive climate and philosophy for negotiating, how to distinguish between positions and interests, when to take control, and how to avoid misrepresentation.
Running time: 210 minutes
CLE: 50= 5.0 60= 4.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
Various methods of direct and cross-examination representing the plaintiff in a sexual harassment litigation suit are given through two trial demonstrations. Jurors are questioned and share their perspective on the case in regards to the impressions of the plaintiff and key moments of the examinations.
Running time: 180 minutes
CLE: 50= 3.6 60= 3.0 (Ethics: 0.0)
This one and one-half day videotape lecture series by Herbert J. Stern examines, in more advanced detail, the theory and strategy of successful trial lawyering. Topics include: principals of opening statements; four ways to construct an opening statement; demonstrations of openings for the prosecution and the defense; direct examination and demonstration; cross examination and demonstration; and trying the civil case.
Running time: 8 hours, 57 minutes
CLE: 50= 11.5 60= 9.5 (Ethics: 0.0)
This videotape lecture series presents an introduction to the theory and strategy of successful trial lawyering. This program analyzes the basic components of trying cases, including the opening statement, direct examination, cross-examination, and summation. Topics include rules and laws; methodologies; techniques; demonstration; order, preparation, and questioning of witnesses; proving conversations; exhibits as evidence; and voir dire of witnesses.
Running time: 10 hours, 56 minutes
CLE: 50= 14.0 60= 11.5 (Ethics: 0.0)
This half-day lecture series by Herbert J. Stern examines evidence problems. Judge Stern discusses how an effective advocate uses the rules of evidence. Topics include: laying a foundation for exhibits; photographs; charts, diagrams, and conversations; Federal Rules of Evidence - Rules 104, 403, 602, 613, 803, and 901; motions in limine; and voir dire of witnesses.
Running time: 257 minutes
CLE: 50= 5.5 60= 4.5 (Ethics: 0.0)
Fraud by employees costs businesses in the United States billions of dollars annually. Accounting professionals within the company are the first line of defense in detecting business fraud. Auditors play the last line of defense in detecting fraud and future losses. This presentation explores common practices and ethical dilemmas likely to arise in any audit, legal issues related to business fraud, prosecution of fraud cases; handling of evidence; retrieval of "erased" computer files. Thus program is produced by the Accounting Continuing Professional Education Network. (U.S. Dept of Justice 08/2002)
Running time: 6.5 hours
CLE: 50= 7.5 60= 6.5 (Ethics: 1.0)
Developed in cooperation with NITA and featuring a panel of the nation's leading trial lawyers, this program discusses and demonstrates how the effective litigator prepares for trial including a one hour discussion of ethical considerations.(U.S. Dept of Justice 10/2002)
Running time: 4 hours
CLE: 50= 5.0 60= 4.0 (Ethics: 0.0)