Can You Minimize Health Care Costs by Improving Patient Safety?

Session 2: How Can States and Institutions Work To Create a Culture of Safety?

Presentation by Julie Morath

Via the World Wide Web and telephone, the second session of a Web-assisted audio teleconference series occurred on September 30, 2002. The User Liaison Program (ULP) of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) developed and sponsored the program.

This is the text version of the slide presentation.

Slide 1

Cover slide with image of Julie Morath, M.S., R.N., Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive Nurse, Children's Hospital and Clinics, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN.

Slide 2

The Leader's Role

Creating and Leading a Patient Safety Manifesto.

A Public Declaration of Intent for Action.

Slide 3

Patient Safety Manifesto

  1. Declaring an Urgent Problem.
  2. Accepting Leadership Responsibility.
  3. Gaining Knowledge and Tools.
  4. Ensuring Accountability.
  5. Confronting Myths.
  6. Aligning External Controls.
  7. Accelerating Change.

Slide 4

What We Learned

Slide 5

What We Learned

Slide 6

"Reciprocal Accountability"

This is not about telling people to be more careful.

Slide 7

A few Simple Rules to Remember (image of Swiss cheese slice)

Slide 8

Black and white image of woman holding an African-American child

Slide 9

"Over-learn" the Key Concepts

Slide 10

Executive Session

"Who loses sleep over this problem of patient safety?"

Slide 11

Engagement of State Officials and Hospital Leaders

Slide 12

Hospital leaders

Slide 13

Patient Safety Improvement Corps

Slide 14

State official potential pitfalls

Slide 15

State official potential pitfalls.

Current as of March 2003

Internet Citation:

Text Version of Presentation by Julie Morath. Can You Minimize Health Care Costs by Improving Patient Safety? Session 2: How Can States and Institutions Work To Create a Culture of Safety?. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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