Business Consulting GSA MOBIS Schedule Overview

Helen Jay
(253) 931-7063

Deborah Gamble
(253) 931-7895

Warren Hayashi
(800) 241-7246

The MOBIS Schedule offers government contracts with companies to help improve management and organizational effectiveness through the use of specialized consulting, facilitation, survey and training services.

Management consulting is an industry seeing phenomenal growth in requests for services. Technology, globalization, and an increased use of and appreciation for outsourced, expert advice are behind this growth, but are also sources for strain if not properly managed. In an industry undergoing massive change, management consultants are staying in the game by staying on top of it.

What has changed the profession is that which has changed most areas of the federal government: explosive development in technology, an increase in the complexity of business problems, a growing comfort - level with outsourcing, and a world in which the competition is no longer confined to the neighbor next door. Although the principles of management consulting have stayed the same, consultants now have better tools at their disposal. Today's technological advancements have brought large amounts of readily available information with them.

Technology is also facilitating globalization. The consultant's role is becoming increasingly prominent as competition forces agencies to focus on their competitive strengths and re-engineer their work processes to take advantage of the best practices coming from everywhere.

The job of the management consultant is to:

  • Provide the agency client with information they request;
  • Diagnose their current situation, often helping them redefine problems in the process;
  • Present a coherent and well-articulated set of strategic recommendations;
  • Build commitment and consensus around required change;
  • Assist with implementation, ensuring high quality standards are followed;
  • Facilitate learning so that the client can assume the task over time; and
  • Improve organizational effectiveness.