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The Air Force Services Agency (AFSVA), with headquarters in San Antonio, is a field operating agency of Headquarters U.S. Air Force Services, Washington, D.C. It was formed Oct. 1, 1992 during the reorganization of Morale, Welfare and Recreation and Services functions.


AFSVA supports the bases, major commands and Air Staff by providing technical assistance, fielding new initiatives, developing procedures and managing selected central support functions to ensure successful Services programs. The agency's responsibilities include developing and disseminating procedures to implement policy, preparing responses to high-level inquiries, providing technical assistance to the field, and developing new programs that support major command and installation activities. The agency manages Air Force central nonappropriated funds (NAFs) and operates central systems for field support such as banking, investments, purchasing, data flow, and insurance benefits programs, and the personnel system for NAF employees. AFSVA supports the Air Force Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Advisory Board and interacts with other agencies and armed services in areas affecting Services.


AFSVA has approximately 375 Air Force military and civilian people assigned.


The agency is composed of seven directorates to manage all Services worldwide:

The Directorate of Financial Management and Comptroller manages, supports and provides quality financial service to the agency, major commands and NAF instrumentalities worldwide. It provides treasury management service; individual staff assistance visits; written NAF accounting procedures; procedures relating to appropriated fund resources; and debt collection services. The directorate also provides guidance on the Air Force-wide cash investment and management of NAF monies; decentralized Air Force NAF payroll, portability and intern programs; central accounting for Air Force construction programs; numerous personnel benefit programs such as retirement, insurance and 401K programs; and central fund accounting.

The Directorate of Force Management and Personnel provides operational procedures and staff supervision for Air Force-wide Services programs, including the NAF personnel program, employee benefits and compensation services, various Air Force NAF self-insurance programs, the NAF Facility Construction Program, the Services career field training program and special projects.

The Directorate of Management Systems is the single manager of all communications-computer systems. The directorate plans, develops, manages and controls the use of information technology both in the field and at the headquarters.

The Directorate of Operations provides Air Force-level technical support, initiatives, training and customer service to field commanders in the areas of food service, lodging, troop support, food procurement, computer systems, readiness and mortuary affairs. It provides technical oversight of 296 appropriated fund dining facilities, serving 43.5 million meals annually and oversees 96 lodging operations, generating in excess of $128 million in annual revenue. The directorate provides program management of all troop support functions, with sales more than $150 million to Air Force dining facilities and nonappropriated fund food activities, and operates the appropriated fund and NAF Prime Vendor food procurement programs. It develops, modernizes and sustains automation systems supporting Air Force lodging, food service and readiness operations. It provides wartime guidance for Services operations, develops deployable force packages, oversees the field equipment modernization program, and manages the Mortuary Affairs Program, including disposition, care for surviving family members, and military honors. An Office of Reserve Affairs provides guidance to unified commands and major commands on management and use of Air Reserve Component personnel. This office is the primary contact for all aspects and issues related to the ARC. The office also executes central management of the military personnel appropriation man-day budget, if it relates to the Air Reserve Component support of the Honor Guard program.

The Directorate of NAF Purchasing is responsible for maximizing the economic benefits of corporate purchasing for worldwide NAF organizations by executing purchasing programs with decentralized purchasing opportunities. The directorate provides guidance, procedures and NAF purchasing training. An on-going program, known as the Commanders' Smart Buy Program, promotes the effectiveness of purchasing as a management tool. The CSBP is designed to assist all commanders, regardless of service component, in acquiring quality products at favorable prices.

The Directorate of Programs assists field activity managers in operating Air Force Services programs including fitness, recreation, sports, libraries and information centers, child development and youth activities, entertainment, snack bars, amusement machine programs, logistics service, marketing anc commercial sponsorship. It operates the Air Force Talent Contest, Tops in Blue programs and the Air Force amusement machine program, and manages the agency's Public Affairs program.

The Directorate of Clubs and Issues manages Air Force-level programs and initiatives to provide goods and services to Air Force members worldwide. It provides technical oversight of 126 Air Force clubs and guidance regarding alternative food services, Air Force Signature Brand and name brand food, beverage and entertainment options. Special projects and issues include coordinating agency conferences, visits and briefings; presenting findings on funding and operational policies for the Air Force Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Advisory Board, and developing long-range plans to determine the future operating environment for Services activities. It also includes competitive sourcing and privatization, the determination to source a function (in-house or contract) through a commercial source.


The Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Program has been recognized as being essential for creating and maintaining the morale of military personnel. Services programs have long provided essential food, lodging and services for military members.

MWR programs were first introduced during the Revolutionary War. With the establishment of a huge "citizen" army during World War I, the United Service Organizations (Inc.) was founded along with programs like library services, troop canteens and sports programs. In 1920, the Army Motion Picture Service was set up and was soon to be followed by the founding of service clubs later during World War II.

Services programs also began during the Revolutionary War, with billeting and food facilities serving as fundamental necessities for military troops. Services' roots sprang from the supply and civil engineering career fields and and Services branched off as its own entity in 1991.

MWR and Services merged Air Force wide in 1992. On Jan. 1, 1994, the Air Force Morale, Welfare, Recreation, and Services Agency was renamed Air Force Services Agency, reflecting what the agency's programs are all about -- service.

Point of Contact
Air Force Services Agency, Public Affairs Office; 10100 Reunion Place, Suite 135; San Antonio, Texas 78216-4138; DSN 487-4945 or (210) 652-4945.

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