eRHIC: The Electron-Ion-Collider at BNL

A high luminosity polarized e-p/d and unpolarized e-A collider to study the hyperfine structure of the nucleon including (spin and flavor) and to explore nuclear matter at high parton densities.

The eRHIC project is being developed presently on three fronts:

eRHIC at NSAC Subcommittee Review, June 2004

If you would like keep yourself up-to-date on the latest news on eRHIC's progress please register yourself with any or all of the archived email server-lists.

eRHIC/EIC News List Server
eRHIC/EIC Accelerator List Server
eRHIC/EIC Detector List Server
eRHIC/EIC electron beam polarimetry List Server
eRHIC/EIC Physics List Server

The eRHIC Steering Committee & Contact Information
Scientific & Detector Advisory Council
The eRHIC Collaboration

The eRHIC Meetings Page

2001 NSAC Long Range Planning Exercise & EIC/eRHIC White Paper

The eRHIC/EIC History...

Other future electron-hadron collider facilities

Present & past spin related experiments

Last Update: July 2004--Abhay Deshpande