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Ashore Directorate

Ashore Divisions

Most Requested Pages


• Navy Off-Duty Personal Motor Vehicle (PMV) Requirements, Roles and Responsibilities

• Recreation and Off-Duty Safety Program Presentation (Given at the PDC)

• Injury and Occupational Illness Reporting Requirements and WESS (ALSAFE 022/02)

• Click It or Ticket Campaign

• Recreation and Off-Duty Swimming ORM

• Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day 

• Individual Off-Duty Risk Assessment Form

• List of AIGs, PLAs and CFAs

• Check out our Recreation Checklists

• Shore Fire Departments Adjusting To the National Fire Reporting System (NFIRS)

• What's New? Online ORM Courses

• Returning Safely from Deployment

• Reducing Self-Inflicted Losses

• Recent Safety Recalls/Alerts

• Downloadable Law Enforcement Driver Training Guide 2000

• Mishap Recordkeeping - Submit an Online Injury/Illness Report

• Recreation Resources - All you ever wanted from the Recreation Division 

• The Role of Activity Safety Managers in Class "A" Mishap Investigations

• NIOSH Recommends Measures to Protect Firefighters

Additional resources may be found on our military only site

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Last Updated: 26 Oct 2004