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Photo of the Week 
Gas Cone

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Not the best substitute for orange cones.

Here's how the conversation must have gone: "Hey Bud, looks like all of our cones fell off somewhere. We've only got one left." 

"No problem, Joe ... just find something else bright to put up so we'll be safe." 

Y'know, I'm just not impressed with the innovative substitutions made by some landscape maintenance workers. It's bad enough that they actually used a gas container as a cone, but sheesh, what rocket scientist decided to put it exactly where it is most likely to be hit? 

Aparently these guys just don't understand the hazards involved in what they've done. So let's help 'em out by putting all the sound effects together to describe the potential outcome of this arrangement ... ready? Bang! Splash! Foon! Aaaaggghhhh! Then the sound of sirens blaring. You've got it. One big disaster waiting to happen. 

Folks, this situation is what I call a no-brainer. The dual meaning being that, first, it doesn't take much of a brain to realize that you shouldn't do this, and second, that the person who did it must not have much of a brain. Before you use something for which it wasn't intended, step back and look at what you're doing to make sure it's safe. If it's not, use something else!

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