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World Ocean Database 2001 - Updates
Files of the form update.O.INS.gz or update.S.INS.gz, where INS is instrument type, contain all major  updates for that instrument type since the release  of WOD01. Refer to WOD2001 documentation for additional details (WOD01). The .O. denotes observed measurements, .S. denotes measurements interpolated to standard levels. A major update is a change to position (latitude/longitude), date (year, month, day, (not GMT time), or depth/measured variable. Major updates are made in the course of continuing quality control of the data and communication with the submittor of the data.
User can get all updates (ex. all changes) or updates for a particular month (ex. Aug2002) under each date stamped link.
 Under each date stamped link (ex. Aug2002) are the major update files only for that particular month.
 Each geographically sorted or time sorted file affected by a major change has been updated as well. Lists of all files updated with major changes are under wmochanges.INS (geographic) and yearchanges.INS (time), along with the month/year of the last major  update to this file. Links are provided to these files.
 It should be noted that all geographically and time sorted files are also updated with any minor changes which have been made. Minor changes are all changes not covered in the definition of major changes, and include cruise number, country of origin, ship name, time.
 A time stamp has been added to any station which is part of an updated file. The time stamp is found under second header #99, and is of the form [4digit year][julian year day] (ex. 2002001 means the station was last updated January, 2002).


Data with a time stamp prior to January 1st, 2003 may have missing or wrong quality control flags. The missing/wrong quality control flags have been fixed. If you downloaded data (geographically sorted, time sorted, or updates) between October 8th, 2002 and January 9th, 2003, you may have data with the missing/wrong quality control flags.
Furthermore, some standard level (STD) data for ocean station data (OSD) without any time stamps (data as released on either of the CD versions) may have missing density inversion flags for some temperature and salinity measurements. If these flags are important to your work, please download the necessary data from the online data, where the problems have been corrected. These problems only affect the quality control flags, not the measured data themselves.


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