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Current NIOSHTIC-2 database consists of 34527 bibliographic entries.
User Query: job AND stress OR organization AND work OR work AND stress   Sorted by published date


Items 1 through 10 of 72
Selected Records Reference (Basic View)
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AU: Trinkoff-AM; Lipscomb-J; Geiger-Brown-J
TI: MSDs in nurses: organization and physical work factors
SO: NIOSH 2004 Jan; :1-13
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AU: DeJoy-DM; Wilson-MG; Vandenberg-RJ; McGrath-AL; Griffin-CS
TI: Healthy work organization: intervention effectiveness
SO: NIOSH 2004 Jan; :1-70
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AU: Sauter-SL; Murphy-LR
TI: Monitoring the changing organization of work: international practices and new developments in the United States
SO: Soz - Praeventivmed 2003 Dec; 48(6):341-348
LT: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00038-003-3026-2
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AU: Quick-JC; Piotrkowski-C; Jenkins-L; Brooks-YB
TI: Four dimensions of healthy work: stress, work-family relations, violence prevention, and relationships at work
SO: Psychology builds a healthy world: opportunities for research and practice. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2003 Nov; :233-273
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AU: Nigam-JAS; Murphy-LR; Swanson-NG
TI: Are stress management programs indicators of good places to work? Results of a national survey
SO: Int J Stress Manag 2003 Nov; 10(4):345-360
LT: http://www.apa.org/journals/str.html
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AU: Lenhart-SW; Trout-D
TI: Job stress and infectious disease risks in an adult development center
SO: Appl Occup Environ Hyg 2003 Aug; 18(8):561-565
LT: http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/link.asp?id=35gl5jr6r8haxlk8
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AU: MacDonald-LA; Deddens-JA; Grajewski-BA; Whelan-EA; Hurrell-JJ
TI: Job stress among female flight attendants
SO: J Occup Environ Med 2003 Jul; 45(7):703-714
LT: http://www.joem.org/
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AU: Murphy-LR; Sauter-SL
TI: The USA perspective: current issues and trends in the management of work stress
SO: Aust Psychol 2003 Jun; 38(2):1-7
LT: http://www.psychology.org.au/publications/journals/12.4_31.asp
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AU: Murphy-LR
TI: Stress management at work: secondary prevention of stress
SO: The handbook of work and health psychology. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2003 Jan; :533-548
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AU: Murphy-LR
TI: Job stress research at NIOSH: 1972-2002
SO: Historical and Current Perspectives on Stress and Health, 2002 Dec Pamela L. Perrewe and Daniel C. Ganster, Eds., 2:1-55

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