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US Fire Administration News Releases
  • Emergency Vehicle Safety Initiative Report Now Available (10/20/04)
  • USFA Releases Two New Topical Reports on Fires Ignited by Lighters and Matches (10/20/04)
  • USFA Assists Walt Disney and Liberty Mutual in Design of New Fire Safety Exhibit (10/19/04)
  • Application Procedures Announced for the 2005 Harvard Fire Executive Fellowship Program (10/13/04)
  • United States Fire Administration Releases Incident Command System Self-Study 2nd Edition (10/12/04)
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 • International Fire Chiefs Association
 • National Volunteer Fire Council
 • National Fire Protection Association
 • OSHA: Emergency Preparedness and Response

This channel will provide information on new and existing programs that will benefit fire personnel nationally.

The Department of Homeland Security has just announced the opening of a grant application process for Firefighter Assistant Grants.  "Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge announced today that the application process opened for fire departments to apply for the approximately $750 million in money available through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. These monies help rural, urban and suburban fire departments better train, prepare and equip themselves."  Click here for mo Firefighter Assistance GrantsThe Department of Homeland Security has just announced the opening of a grant application process for Firefighter Assistant Grants. "Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge announced today that the application process opened for fire departments to apply for the approximately $750 million in money available through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. These monies help rural, urban and suburban fire departments better train, prepare and equip themselves." Click here for mo
  Click here for further information, FAQs, and an application. Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program Click here for further information, FAQs, and an application.

Click here to access the US Fire Administration site in a separate browser window.