NASA Facts


August 1995


The landing of the Apollo astronauts on the Moon was a magnificent technological triumph. These missions also ushered in a new era in our study of the solar system and the universe around us. For the first time in our history, we could study another world at close range. Astronauts stood on the Moon, photographed the small details of its mysterious surface, and set up instruments to probe into its interior. From orbit around the Moon, other sensitive instruments in the Apollo spacecraft measured the chemical composition, gravity, and magnetism of the Moon.

The Moon Rocks and What They Tell Us

Returning to Earth with actual lunar samples was the major scientific achievement of the Apollo program. Only by studying moon rocks with all the resources of laboratories here on Earth could we determine the exact nature of the Moon, unravel its long and complicated history, and learn how the Moon had recorded solar system history for 4 1/2 billion years.

The six successful Apollo landings yielded more than 2,000 different samples of the Moon -- 842 pounds (342 kilograms) in all. From these samples, we learned that the Moon is not a uniform and monotonous world, but a complex and individual planet with its own unique history. Despite all their important scientific value, the Moon rocks are far more than just specimens. They are the tangible symbol of a great achievement. They are interesting and exciting to look at. And in a very special way, they bring us close to other worlds.

IMAGE: pyramid

For these reasons, the Johnson Space Center Office of Public Affairs maintains a public display and education program involving the loan of lunar samples. This Lunar Sample Display Program is divided into three sub-programs: The Regular Display Program, the Educational Disk Program, and the Thin Section Program.

Regular Display Program

The JSC Affairs Branch manages a traveling display program that consists of display samples that range from 70-160 grams in size and are encapsulated in clear lucite pyramids. These displays are distributed to the NASA Centers throughout the United States who service an area or region around their center. These display samples, available for loan periods ranging from 2 weeks to 2 months, are available to museums and planetariums, or any non-profit organization sponsoring a community or civic event. General requirements for this type of display sample are: the sample must be hand-carried to and from locations; it must be secured in a safe or vault-type safe when not on display; and it must be under constant surveillance while on display. While all display sample requests are coordinated through the JSC Education and Information Services Branch, additional information on this program may be obtained by contacting the Office of Public Affairs at the following Centers:

                        If you live in the state of:        Contact:
                        Washington, Oregon, Idaho,          Ames Research
                        Montana, Wyoming,                   Center
                        California, Nevada, Utah,           Moffett Field, CA
                        Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii             94035-1000
                        Maine, New Hampshire,               Goddard Space
                        Vermont, Massachusetts,             Center
                        Connecticut, Rhode Island,          Greenbelt, MD
                        New York, Pennsylvania,             20771-0001
                        Delaware, New Jersey,
                        Maryland, District of
                        North Dakota, South Dakota,         Johnson Space                        Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma,         Center
                        Texas, Colorado, New Mexico         Houston, TX
                        Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas,           Marshall Space Flight
                        Tennessee, Alabama,                 Center, AL
                        Mississippi, Louisiana              35812-0001
                        Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,            Lewis Research Center
                        Michigan, Wisconsin,                Cleveland, OH
                        Minnesota                           44135-3191
                        Virginia, West Virginia,            Langley Research Center
                        Kentucky, North Carolina,           Hampton, VA
                        South Carolina                      23681-0001
                        Florida, Puerto Rico, Virgin        Kennedy Space Center, 
                        Islands, Georgia                    FL  32899-0001

Educational Disk Program

This program consists of six samples of lunar material (three soils and three rocks) encapsulated in a 6-inch diameter clear lucite disk. The disk is accompanied by written and graphic descriptions of each sample in the disk; a video presentation; a teacher workbook; and additional printed information. This program was designed to be used as a science teaching aid in a classroom environment. Teachers may qualify for the use of a disk in their classroom by attending one of the many workshops sponsored by NASA's Space Science Education Specialists. These workshops are scheduled during the year at different locations throughout the United States. Museums and planetariums that schedule educational programs may also request the disk for use. Basic requirements for using the disk are as follows. The disk must be secured, while not in use, in a safe or vault-type safe or cabinet with a bar and combination lock; must be sent via registered mail to and from locations; and must be under constant surveillance while in use. For additional information, school personnel should contact the Center Education Programs Officer at the regional center indicated on the front of this fact sheet; museum and planetarium personnel should contact the Lunar Sample Display Coordinator at the Johnson Space Center.

IMAGE: Diskplus

As a supplement to the lunar disk, a meteorite disk is available for use and study by museums and planetariums. The program is basically the same as the Lunar Disk Program. Information may be obtained also by contacting the JSC Education and Information Services Branch.

Thin Section Program

A set of lunar sections is available for instructive and study purposes by college and university science courses. This program consists of twelve samples of soils and rocks (glass

microscope type slides) and a descriptive booklet. College and university instructors may obtain information about this program by contacting the JSC Curator's Office, Code SN2, Johnson Space Center, 2101 NASA Road One, Houston, TX 77058-3696.