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EMFs In The Workplace

Everyone in our modern society is exposed to the electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) that surround all electric devices. Recently, scientific studies have raised questions about the possible health effects of EMFs. This fact sheet answers frequently asked questions about EMFs in the workplace. You can use this information to help identify EMF sources at work and to take simple steps for reducing exposures. However, you cannot use this information to judge the safety of your exposures, since the scientific evidence does not yet show whether EMF exposures are hazardous.

What are EMFs?

Static magnetic field
around a bar magnet.

What do we know about workplace
exposures to EMFs?

What are some typical EMF
exposures on the job?

Average magnetic field
exposures for various types
of workers (in milligauss)*

Do EMFs cause cancer
or other health effects?

What DO studies show
about the health effects
of EMFs in workers?

No increased leukemia has been reported overall in studies of welders, yet they are among the occupations with the highest EMF exposures.

Have limits been
set for worker
exposures to EMFs?

Should workers and
employers try to
reduce exposures to EMFs?

EMF exposures depend on the worker's distance from the source.

What is NIOSH doing
about EMF exposures?