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Ethics Office Home PageSearch Ethics WebsiteGifts and EntertainmentTravelConflictsFinancial DisclosureOutside Employment and ActivitiesPolitical ActivitesProcurement IntegrityMisuse of Position and Government ResourcesLeaving GovernmentGeneral Authorities and ResourcesEthics FormsDOJ Home PageJMD Home Page

Welcome to the Departmental Ethics Office website. On this website you can find the various laws and regulations governing the conduct of Department of Justice employees. We have included general information on the Executive Branch Standards of Conduct, the conflict of interest statutes, the Department's supplemental standards of conduct and various other ethics rules, regulations and policies. We have organized the ethics rules by subject which you can access with a click of the mouse. A click on underlined citations or phrases will provide you with more information.

The complete text of the Standards of Conduct and the Department's supplemental regulations can be found at 5 C.F.R. § 2635, 5 C.F.R. § 3801 and 28 C.F.R. § 45.

The Departmental Ethics Office, located in the Justice Management Division, is responsible for administering the Department-wide ethics program and for implementing Department-wide policies on ethics issues. The office provides advice and training directly to employees in the Justice Management Division, the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of the Federal Detention Trustee, and the Office of Dispute Resolution, and supervises the ethics programs in the remaining Department components. Each component has a Deputy Designated Agency Ethics Official who is responsible for administering the ethics program within his or her component.

Here is a list of ethics officials for each component.

We hope this website will assist ethics officials in managing their ethics programs. We also encourage employees to use the website as a source of information, but they should remember that certain rules are complex and require some analysis in applying them to specific situations. For this reason, employees should always seek the advice of an ethics official when contemplating any action that may be covered by the rules.

If you have any questions or suggestions for the website, please feel free to contact the Departmental Ethics Office on (202) 514-8196.

Questions concerning professional responsibility issues such as the McDade amendment and contacts with represented parties should be directed to the Department's Professional Responsibility Advisory Office on (202) 514-0458.

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Last updated: October 26, 2004