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The Stardust Education page is designed to enhance the breadth, flexibility and knowledge of science, mathematics, and technology between higher education and K-12 education, recognizing and supporting a diverse set of programs while improving scientific literacy among students.

The materials found on this homepage are aligned with the National Science Education Standards and have been designed primarily for use by Grades 5-8.

The Stardust Education and Public Outreach team (EPO) is comprised of many partners which include:

+ Challenger Center for Space Science Education
+ JASON Foundation for Education
+ Omniplex at the Kirkpartick Science and Air Space Museum
+ Space Explorers, Inc
+ Virginia Space Grant Consortium
+ Parents and Children as Co-Travelers (PACCT)
+ NASA/JPL Ambassadors Program
+ JPL Solar System Educator Program
+ From the Sun to the Star Nations; Native American Outreach Initiative
+ Space Place

The Stardust mission participates and sponsors teacher training and curriculum development programs targeted for minorities and under served communities along with the public at large. Other resources available include an interactive web site, educational based planetarium program, video animation, and library and museum exhibits. If you would like to find out more information on activities and/or partners, please contact us at (818) 354-3245.


Last updated November 26, 2003
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