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Course Listings
Training - Transit Security Courses

2.9 Continuing Education Units

Length: 4 1/2 days
Materials Fee: $45

Course Overview

Participants will receive the information to develop a system security program plan and implement the program. They will be shown to use resources to reduce crime and improve passenger and employee security. This course provides participants with a uniform format for developing and implementing security policies and procedures through a system security program plan with crime prevention as the major component. Included are basic security terms, the five steps in threat and vulnerability identification, and the resolution process. The course addresses security in system planning, design and construction; agency policies and procedures; managing special security issues; and various types of transit security staffing. In the event of a critical incident, the system security program plan provides for mobilization of transit and other public safety resources to assure a rapid, controlled, and predictable response and resolution.

Course Elements

  • System security program plan and state safety oversight
  • Developing a system security program plan
  • Security responsibility, policies and procedures, proactive security activities
  • Threat and vulnerability analysis, pre-incident indicators
  • Security by design, crime prevention through environmental design
  • Proactive procurement
  • Establishment of a security force
  • Bomb threat incidents and terrorist acts
  • Chemical, biological, and nuclear threat awareness
  • Vandalism, gang activity, fare evasion, and workplace violence
  • Managing the media
  • Crime prevention and problem oriented policing
  • Common security audit deficiencies
  • Group exercise: site workshop
  • Group exercise: security assessment
  • Quiz and final exam

Who Should Attend

Individuals responsible for developing, administering, and implementing system safety security plans and enforcement of security procedures; general managers, safety managers, security managers, risk managers, operations managers and supervisors, field supervisors, maintenance managers and supervisors, facility and equipment procurement specialists, transit insurance providers, transit security and law enforcement personnel, state safety oversight agencies.

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2.4 Continuing Education Units

Length: 4 days
Materials Fee: $40

Course Overview

This course will provide information on understanding the importance, purpose, development, and implementation of emergency management and how it relates to the other safety functions of a transit system. Participants will learn how to better understand the emergency management concept and the role of the transit system in responding to emergency/disaster situations in both the community and transit system. The course provides information which can be used to introduce emergency management into the acquisition and operational phases of a transit system life cycle and thereby implement or improve emergency management programs. They will be prepared to understand the elements of an effective emergency management program and how interaction of these elements affects the management of the emergency situation as well as the roles and responsibilities of community officials, transit system personnel, and fire, police, EMS, etc., including the key issue of the importance of dealing with the media quickly, accurately, and professionally.

Course Elements

  • Nature of emergencies and disasters
  • Emergency management concepts
  • Development of an emergency management plan
  • Incident command station and coordination of response efforts and resources
  • Emergency management training
  • Acquisition
  • Managing media relations
  • Tabletop simulations, group exercises, quizzes, and exam

Who Should Attend

Individuals charged with developing, administering, and implementing a transit operations emergency response plan. General managers, safety managers, risk managers, security managers and supervisors, operation managers and supervisors, field supervisors and public relations officers, representatives of community emergency support services such as law enforcement, fire protection, FEMA and emergency medical responders, and state safety oversight agencies.

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No Continuing Education Units Available Through This Seminar

Length: 5 hours
Materials Fee: None

Seminar Overview

This seminar demonstrates how to prepare for and initially respond to acts of terrorism, understand how to implement a plan and procedures to respond to an explosive incident, and how to manage an incident and the media. Participants are trained in general security awareness in the transit environment and how to identify flaws in facility or vehicle design and discourage criminal activity. Two seminars are usually conducted at the host site; on the afternoon of the first day and on the morning of the next day to encourage agency participation.

Seminar Elements

  • Identification of vulnerability and potential threats to transit systems, terrorist tactics
  • Identification of explosive components
  • How to search for explosives and secondary devices
  • Development and review of explosives incident plans and evacuation procedures
  • Media relations
  • Presentations from local police department bomb technicians

Who Should Attend

Individuals who may respond to bomb threats in the transit environment. Executive managers, security managers and personnel, safety managers and supervisors, risk managers, operations managers, facility maintenance and housekeeping supervisors, representatives of community emergency support services such as law enforcement, fire protection, FEMA, and emergency medical responders, etc.

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No Continuing Education Units Available Through This Course

Length: 2 days
Materials Fee: $55

Course Overview

This course provides information on past weapons of mass destruction (WMD) terrorist incidents, current events, the nature of chemical, biological, and radiological agents, and how to respond to such events in a transit environment. Internal and external resources, transit’s role in responding to community incidents, and the roles and cross-jurisdictional responsibilities of emergency responders are identified.

Course Elements

  • Introduction to transit terrorism
  • Characteristics of response to terrorist WMD incidents
  • Characteristics of chemical, biological, radiological agents
  • Nuclear and radiological threats
  • Conventional bombs
  • First responder considerations
  • Elements of response to a WMD incident including detection, responder protection, scene control, and notification
  • Planning for a WMD incident response
  • Developing and implementing a proactive incident management plan
  • Managing the incident
  • Roundtable discussion
  • Tabletop simulation exercise based on the environment and concerns of the host
  • Identifying the roles and cross-jurisdictional responsibilities of community emergency responders

Who Should Attend

Individuals who are tasked with planning, administering, or implementing a response to a chemical, biological, and nuclear transit terrorist incident; preparing and establishing an incident command station; assisting in implementing the response in the transit environment. Executive managers, safety managers, security managers and personnel, operations managers and supervisors, field supervisors; representatives of community emergency support services such as law enforcement, fire protection, FEMA, emergency medical responders, municipal services, etc.

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1.3 Continuing Education Units

Length: 2 days
Materials Fee: $35

Course Overview

This course expands on the training provided in Transit System Security, FT00432. Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) links system security concepts and initiatives to the system safety program plan early in the transit life cycle. The course emphasizes and enhances industry training by incorporating such preventive measures into the facilities design and operations planning. For agencies to be in compliance with the State Safety Oversight regulation, planning and designing safety and security into all aspects of physical and operational systems is critical.

Course Elements

  • Review of basic concepts
  • Advanced assessments of risks and vulnerabilities
  • Technology and equipment
  • Audit checklists
  • Best practices
  • Architectural design and space management concepts
  • Environmental aims through space planning and behavioral concepts
  • Strategies
  • Crime as it relates to physical environment and law enforcement
  • Crime prevention steps
  • Reducing criminal opportunity
  • Engineering CPTED into the transportation agency
  • Electronic, mechanical, and physical equipment and material needed to enhance security
  • Alarm and intrusion systems
  • Security personnel

Who Should Attend

Individuals tasked with planning for developing, administering, and implementing security programs and plans; individuals who conduct audits and recommend, implement, and monitor corrective actions. Transit managers, executive managers, safety managers and supervisors, risk managers, and engineers.

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Course expected to be available during 2005

Length: 2 days
Materials Fee: $40

Course Overview

This course is designed to aid transit safety and security personnel who need to have a proactive impact on the design review process during design and construction of new facilities (new starts), rehabilitation of existing facilities, or extensions to current systems. This will allow for the reduction of crime and improvement of employee and customer security.

Course Elements

  • Getting the project’s big picture
  • Identifying security within the project
  • Security certification process
  • Roles and responsibilities in security
  • Contract documents
  • Project Management view of security
  • The value in value-engineering
  • Basis of design - project requirements
  • Preliminary design
  • Design development phases
  • Final design phase and bidding
  • Effective design reviews
  • Construction and closeout
  • Types of contracts
  • Open forum and relative issues
  • Exam

Who Should Attend

General managers, safety directors, human resource and risk management personnel, operations and maintenance personnel, transit security and law enforcement personnel, transit procurement, transit consultants, state safety oversight personnel, security technology vendors, and state and federal safety and security personnel.

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No Continuing Education Units Available Through This Seminar

Length: 1 day
Materials Fee: None

Seminar Overview

Participants will learn how to respond to acts of terrorism, including workplace violence, and how to develop and implement a plan and procedures for responding to hijackings. They will be shown how to gain access to a bus. Bombs, terrorist activities, and implementation of emergency procedures will be addressed.

Seminar Elements

  • Introduction to terrorism, tactics
  • Bombs, chemical/biological/radiological threats, history, trends
  • Identification of flaws in facility and vehicle design and operations
  • Development of an emergency response plan
  • Access to a bus, stopped or in motion
  • Managing the media
  • Field exercise: safety precautions, checkpoints
  • Field exercise: bus hijacking simulation

Who Should Attend

Individuals responsible for developing, administering, and implementing emergency response plans for transit bus hijacking; preparing for and initially responding to transit bus hijackings; managing security threats to bus operations. Executive managers, security managers and supervisors and staff, safety managers and supervisors, risk managers, operations managers and supervisors, field supervisors. Federal, state, and local officials, community law enforcement personnel, and emergency responders.

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No Continuing Education Units Available Through This Seminar

Length: 1 day
Materials fee: None

Seminar Overview

Participants will be shown how best to respond to acts of terrorism, including workplace violence, and how to develop and implement a plan and procedure to respond to hijackings. They will learn how to gain access to the rail vehicle and resolve the incident with minimal public endangerment. Two seminars are usually conducted at the host site to allow for optimal participation.

Course Elements

  • Introduction to terrorism, tactics
  • Bombs, chemical/biological/radiological incident history, and emergency management planning
  • Identification of flaws in facility design and operation
  • Developing an emergency response plan
  • Rail car accessibility (stopped, in motion)
  • Planning a systematic response
  • Managing the media
  • Field exercise: preliminary safety briefing, simulation

Who Should Attend

Individuals responsible for developing, administering, and implementing an emergency response plan for a transit rail hijacking; preparing for and initially responding to a transit rail hijacking; managing security threats to rail operations. Executive managers, security managers and supervisors and staff, safety managers and supervisors, risk managers, operations managers and supervisors, and field supervisors. Federal, state, and local officials, community law enforcement personnel, and emergency responders.

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