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Recurrent Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer

The recurrent aberrations were derived from the Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer and include all cytogenetic changes present in at least two cases of the same morphologic entity, and, whenever applicable for solid tumors, within the same site. The complete karyotypes, patient characteristics, and references are found in the Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer.

An earlier version of this survey appeared in the April 1997 Special Issue of Nature Genetics, entitled: A genome-wide map of chromosomal breakpoints in human cancer. Here, CGAP provides a web tool to query and retrieve information from the database.

The Recurrent Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer Database Searcher

  • Brief instructions for searching the database:
    • You must choose one or both of the following two fields: Structural Aberrations and Numerical Aberrations.
    • If you choose Structural Aberrations, you must select at least one of the following fields: Breakpoint, Topography, Morphology, or Gene.
    • If you choose Numerical Aberrations, you must select at least one of the following fields: Chromosome, Topography, Morphology.
    • You may select only one item in each pulldown menu
    • Press Retrieve.
  • A successful search returns a table, with the following headings and entries:
    • Breakpoint, with each entry linked to the OMIM Gene Map (this column is returned only for structural aberrations)
    • Abnormality
    • Morphology, with each entry linked to a similar table that describes all abnormalities with this morphology.
    • Topography, with each entry linked to a similar table that describes all abnormalities at this topography
    • Number of cases, hyperlinked to the list of applicable cases
    • Genes

Structural aberrations: Numerical aberrations:
Breakpoint: Chromosome:
Aberration type:
Aberration type:


Felix Mitelman, Bertil Johansson and Fredrik Mertens, all of the University of Lund, Sweden, compiled the data presented on these Web pages with support from the Swedish Cancer Society and the Swedish Children's Cancer Foundation.

If you have any questions, comments, or need information about CGAP, please contact the NCI CGAP Help Desk.