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Digital Differential Display (DDD)

DDD is a computational method for comparing sequence-based gene representation profiles among individual cDNA libraries or pools of libraries.
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For the current analysis, the following table describes the pools that have been defined so far.
PoolLib ID(s)Clustered ESTs
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2 pooled Wilms' tumors
2461 NCI_CGAP_Kid13 (3597)
2 pooled high-grade transitional cell tumors
2457 NCI_CGAP_GU1 (4737)
2 pooled tumors (clear cell type)
1046 NCI_CGAP_Kid5 (11991)
1536 NCI_CGAP_Kid12 (8292)
13053 Homo sapiens ADULT BRAIN (3928)
10983 Human Fat Cell 5'-Stretch Plus cDNA Library (8406)
Adrenal gland
6792 ADC (1456)
6791 ADB (4563)
Alveolar Macrophage
12072 NCI_CGAP_FT1 (8976)
12798 NCI_CGAP_FT2 (4448)
10303 S6SNU620 (2703)
10292 S1SNU5 (1839)
10296 S2SNU668s1 (1781)
10297 S3SNU16 (2670)
10298 S3SNU16s1 (1716)
10309 S9SNU601 (6828)
10327 S22SNU16n1 (10627)
10295 S2SNU668 (1769)
10304 S6SNU620s1 (1881)
10307 S8SNU638 (2434)
13050 Homo sapiens B CELLS (RAMOS CELL LINE) (5022)
1317 NCI_CGAP_CLL1 (11440)
7037 Myeloma (PCL) cDNA library (1452)
7038 Myeloma (MYE) cDNA library (1670)
1124 Normal Human Trabecular Bone Cells (5997)
Bone marrow
6975 BM (2429)
6976 MDS (3653)
Brain glioblastoma
14181 NIH_MGC_192 (1223)
Bulk tissue from Human Spinal cord
14590 NIH_MGC_227 (1414)
Burkitt lymphoma
4069 NIH_MGC_8 (12599)
CNCAP(3)T-225 cell line
14129 NIH_MGC_210 (7893)
14131 NIH_MGC_216 (1151)
Cell Line
11918 NCI_CGAP_FH1 (4193)
Cell lines
11917 NCI_CGAP_FL1 (4737)
11916 NCI_CGAP_FL0 (3417)
11914 NCI_CGAP_FG1 (3585)
11915 NCI_CGAP_FE1 (4552)
10413 NCI_CGAP_EI1 (4037)
10414 NCI_CGAP_ED0 (4762)
10416 NCI_CGAP_EI0 (3648)
10417 NCI_CGAP_ED1 (4511)
Chondrosarcoma Cell line
11042 NCI_CGAP_FE0 (3358)
Chondrosarcoma Grade II
10925 NCI_CGAP_Ch2 (4289)
10924 NCI_CGAP_Ch1 (3798)
Chondrosarcoma Lung Metastasis cell lines
14132 NIH_MGC_212 (4323)
14135 NIH_MGC_215 (1553)
14134 NIH_MGC_214 (2824)
14133 NIH_MGC_213 (2078)
Embryonic Stem cells
13870 NIA Human H1 Embryonic Stem Cell cDNA Library (Long) (5268)
Enchondroma cell line
11913 NCI_CGAP_EN1_2 (3815)
Ewing's sarcoma
883 NCI_CGAP_Ew1 (4188)
13046 Homo sapiens FETAL BRAIN (25617)
13052 Homo sapiens FETAL LIVER (9371)
Fetal Pancreas (4 Pooled Donors
9966 Human Fetal Pancreas 1B (4608)
10418 NCI_CGAP_Fs1 (3750)
Human Brain - Cerebellar Cortex
14591 NIH_MGC_228 (1433)
Human Brain - Frontal Cortex
14592 NIH_MGC_229 (1395)
Human Chondrosarcoma Cell Line
11039 NCI_CGAP_FH0 (3387)
Human Lung Epithelial cells
11912 UI-CF-FN0 (14411)
Human Placenta
13000 NIH_MGC_147 (7229)
6812 HTC (3134)
6811 HTB (2806)
13900 Human Iris cDNA (Normalized): fg (2060)
7316 Human Iris cDNA (Un-normalized, unamplified): BX (1839)
Islets of Langerhans
9821 Melton Normalized Human Islet 4 N4-HIS 1 (16289)
3884 Human Pancreatic Islets (1185)
13901 Human Lens cDNA (Normalized): fs (2785)
7315 Human Lens cDNA (Un-normalized, unamplified): BY (1273)
12531 L11SNU354 (1575)
12532 L11SNU354s1 (2270)
12535 L13SNU387 (1130)
12550 L4SNU368s1 (1546)
12549 L4SNU368 (2396)
10395 UI-CF-EC1 (12151)
Lung Focal Fibrosis
10419 NCI_CGAP_DI0 (4061)
Lymph node
10312 S12SNU216 (7453)
Metastatic Chondrosarcoma
10411 NCI_CGAP_DT0 (4182)
10420 NCI_CGAP_DH1 (3234)
10421 NCI_CGAP_DH0 (4184)
10415 NCI_CGAP_DT1 (4996)
13036 Homo sapiens NEUROBLASTOMA (12570)
13023 Homo sapiens NEUROBLASTOMA COT 10-NORMALIZED (6228)
13020 Homo sapiens NEUROBLASTOMA COT 25-NORMALIZED (17251)
13011 Homo sapiens NEUROBLASTOMA COT 50-NORMALIZED (5738)
Osteoarthritic Cartilage
10412 NCI_CGAP_Car1 (3603)
10848 NCI_CGAP_Ct1 (2980)
13037 Homo sapiens PLACENTA (11935)
13021 Homo sapiens PLACENTA COT 25-NORMALIZED (51311)
Peripheral Nervous system
14298 Lupski_anterior_horn (1563)
13019 NIH_MGC_179 (7176)
10404 NCI_CGAP_Pl2 (1085)
10425 NCI_CGAP_Pl4 (1130)
10403 NCI_CGAP_Pl1 (1710)
10405 NCI_CGAP_Pl3 (3973)
10424 NCI_CGAP_Pl6 (3807)
13833 NIH_MGC_191 (5776)
Pooled human melanocyte
589 Soares_NhHMPu_S1 (38456)
Primary Lung Cystic Fibrosis Epithelial Cells
10393 UI-CF-EN1 (9216)
10394 UI-CF-EN0 (1152)
Primary Lung Epithelial Cells
10398 UI-CF-DU1 (10821)
Purified pancreatic islet
8840 HR85 islet (60325)
RPE and Choroid
10285 UI-E-CI1 (7218)
10286 UI-E-CI0 (1153)
12093 Human Retinal pigment epithelium/choroid cDNA (Un-normalized, unamplified): cs (8158)
10966 Human Retina cDNA (Un-normalized, unamplified): hd/he (4544)
Retina Foveal and Macular
10282 UI-E-CK1 (5515)
10283 UI-E-CK0 (1096)
14437 NCI_CGAP_St3 (1007)
10306 S7SNU719s1 (1658)
10299 S4SNU1 (1749)
10301 S5SNU484 (2349)
10302 S5SNU484s1 (1405)
10305 S7SNU719 (2732)
10310 S10SNU1 (1948)
10311 S11SNU1 (6047)
10324 S21SNU520 (5813)
10325 S21SNU520s1 (1386)
Subchondral Bone
10410 NCI_CGAP_DF0 (4774)
10409 NCI_CGAP_DF1 (1617)
13051 Homo sapiens T CELLS (JURKAT CELL LINE) (5031)
13049 Homo sapiens THYMUS (3551)
Trabecular meshwork
13902 Human Trabecular meshwork cDNA: hohphq (2822)
12528 C1SNU17 (3457)
White Matter
13711 NIH_MGC_181 (7207)
Wilms' tumor
9900 NIH_MGC_108 (1043)
5551 NIH_MGC_39 (6197)
8585 NIH_MGC_91 (8148)
8584 NIH_MGC_90 (13149)
1460 NCI_CGAP_Pan1 (20583)
5611 NIH_MGC_66 (6679)
5605 NIH_MGC_65 (6719)
10554 NIH_MGC_107 (8655)
1079 NCI_CGAP_Co8 (9002)
6831 NIH_MGC_60 (6483)
adenocarcinoma cell line
5351 NIH_MGC_15 (12554)
4908 NIH_MGC_9 (11821)
adipose tissue
816 Adipose tissue, white II (1043)
adrenal adenoma
927 NCI_CGAP_AA1 (2643)
adrenal cortex carcinoma
7317 NIH_MGC_84 (6311)
adrenal cortico adenoma for Cushing's syndrome
6793 Cu (1044)
alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
881 NCI_CGAP_Alv1 (3588)
amelanotic melanoma
8775 NIH_MGC_41 (14546)
2389 761 (synonym: hamy2) (2046)
anaplastic oligodendroglioma
1331 NCI_CGAP_Brn25 (20630)
anaplastic oligodendroglioma with 1p/19q loss
7139 NCI_CGAP_Brn67 (12398)
anterior tongue
12982 COGENE 8.5 EAT (1161)
astrocytoma grade IV
9528 NIH_MGC_98 (11513)
11923 Hembase; Erythroid Precursor Cells (LCB:cl library) (7225)
8975 Hembase; Erythroid Progenitor Cells (LCB:ax library) (4150)
bone marrow
15950 LKPD01 (2746)
15949 BLPD01 (1391)
bone marrow stroma
931 Human bone marrow stromal cells (5137)
borderline ovarian carcinoma
1458 NCI_CGAP_Ov34 (1692)
13865 hEx1 (RZPD no. 800) (1349)
1749 564 (synonym: hfbr2) (1597)
895 NCI_CGAP_Br2 (6153)
894 NCI_CGAP_Br1.1 (1755)
1611 NCI_CGAP_Lu24 (32287)
1076 NCI_CGAP_Lu5 (17366)
8834 NIH_MGC_40 (15411)
5383 NIH_MGC_53 (8411)
8936 HOA (Human Osteoarthritic Cartilage) (4371)
8940 HNC (Human Normal Cartilage) (3990)
742 Cerebellum II (4524)
cervical carcinoma cell line
4011 NIH_MGC_12 (18825)
4070 NIH_MGC_21 (21408)
371 Morton Fetal Cochlea (11904)
882 NCI_CGAP_Co3 (11699)
840 Colon carcinoma (HCC) cell line (1495)
841 HCC cell line (matastasis to liver in mouse) II (1686)
842 Colon carcinoma (HCC) cell line II (1767)
colon tumor
1540 NCI_CGAP_Co16 (8610)
988 NCI_CGAP_Co12 (2404)
colon tumor RER+
987 NCI_CGAP_Co9 (3137)
956 NCI_CGAP_Co10 (3487)
colonic mucosa from 3 patients with Crohn's disease
1728 Soares_Dieckgraefe_colon_NHCD (2868)
cord blood
6824 CB (7172)
corresponding non cancerous liver tissue
5601 GLC (14130)
dorsal root ganglia
5655 Lupski_dorsal_root_ganglion (8186)
ductal carcinoma
9885 NIH_MGC_110 (14183)
duodenal adenocarcinoma
8583 NIH_MGC_88 (12764)
embryonal carcinoma
8657 NIH_MGC_92 (23933)
6832 NIH_MGC_61 (11286)
embryonal kidney
16145 Sugano cDNA library, embryonal kidney (3006)
embryonic stem cell
14186 GRN_PRENEU (35847)
embryonic stem cells
13039 NIH_MGC_172 (9715)
14183 GRN_ES (33950)
14185 GRN_PREHEP (32913)
14184 GRN_EB (34987)
embryonic trophoblasts
13040 NIH_MGC_173 (8219)
5444 NIH_MGC_44 (10152)
epidermoid carcinoma
9527 NIH_MGC_102 (10227)
10453 NIH_MGC_101 (8685)
epithelioid carcinoma
5609 NIH_MGC_70 (14367)
epithelioid carcinoma cell line
7245 NIH_MGC_42 (9666)
epithelium (cell line)
1017 NCI_CGAP_Pr25 (1542)
eye anterior segment
10274 UI-E-CR0 (1515)
10281 UI-E-CR1 (1426)
fetal eye
10275 UI-E-EO1 (6512)
10276 UI-E-EO0 (2792)
fetal eyes
10278 UI-E-DX1 (3121)
10289 UI-E-EJ1 (11609)
10290 UI-E-EJ0 (17178)
10277 UI-E-DX0 (2919)
fetal spleen
251 Stratagene fetal spleen (#937205) (4949)
2299 NCI_CGAP_Ov18 (5959)
five pooled sarcomas
2455 NCI_CGAP_Sar4 (1274)
four pooled high-grade tumors
2296 NCI_CGAP_Br18 (1062)
from acute myelogenous leukemia
5948 NIH_MGC_55 (5799)
from chronic myelogenous leukemia
5566 NIH_MGC_54 (6296)
frontal lobe
1918 Schneider fetal brain 00004 (7217)
germ cell tumor
990 NCI_CGAP_GC5 (1029)
939 NCI_CGAP_GC2 (1194)
germinal center B cell
595 NCI_CGAP_GCB1 (42284)
5949 NIH_MGC_57 (7689)
glioblastoma (pooled)
1318 NCI_CGAP_Brn23 (20391)
glioblastoma with EGFR amplification
7138 NCI_CGAP_Brn64 (8101)
glioblastoma with probably TP53 mutation and without EGFR amplification
8607 NCI_CGAP_Brn66 (1006)
15951 CMPD01 (5344)
hepatocellular carcinoma
6533 GKC (13089)
9631 NIH_MGC_100 (13577)
6532 GKB (1042)
8569 NIH_MGC_95 (15059)
10197 NIH_MGC_124 (4135)
human retina
10288 UI-E-CL1 (5553)
10280 UI-E-CL0 (1045)
8646 NIH_MGC_89 (8231)
5950 NIH_MGC_58 (6284)
8570 NIH_MGC_96 (18799)
9716 Human insulinoma (29803)
invasive adenocarcinoma
1542 NCI_CGAP_Lu26 (2073)
juvenile granulosa tumor
2456 NCI_CGAP_Co17 (2852)
kidney tumor
991 NCI_CGAP_Kid6 (4989)
lacrimal gland
13915 Human lacrimal gland, unamplified: oj (3831)
large cell carcinoma
7012 NIH_MGC_18 (13657)
5608 NIH_MGC_69 (5708)
5607 NIH_MGC_68 (17268)
1187 NCI_CGAP_Lei2 (2494)
5612 NIH_MGC_71 (33056)
leiomyosarcoma cell line
6986 NIH_MGC_46 (10028)
10273 UI-E-DW0 (3693)
10287 UI-E-DW1 (3354)
9724 NIH_MGC_118 (9264)
5410 Pediatric acute myelogenous leukemia cell (FAB M1) Baylor-HGSC project=TCAA (7233)
5411 Pediatric pre-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia Baylor-HGSC project=TCBA (8227)
1365 Human fetal liver cDNA library (2452)
13859 779 (synonym: hncc1) (8455)
lobullar carcinoma in situ
1533 NCI_CGAP_Br16 (1517)
lung carcinoma
537 Stratagene lung carcinoma 937218 (4173)
lung tumor
914 NCI_CGAP_Lu1 (1884)
3720 NIH_MGC_52 (1866)
2709 NIH_MGC_36 (3393)
2710 NIH_MGC_37 (3920)
3719 NIH_MGC_51 (1539)
3718 NIH_MGC_50 (9731)
8613 Soares_NPBMC (1903)
9630 NIH_MGC_99 (15392)
1451 NCI_CGAP_Lym12 (8789)
7318 NIH_MGC_85 (15448)
malignant melanoma
2302 NCI_CGAP_Mel15 (2649)
mammary adenocarcinoma
8582 NIH_MGC_87 (17473)
mammary gland
6982 MAMMA1 (2250)
12639 COGENE 6E MAN (1590)
9725 NIH_MGC_119 (9842)
2506 NCI_CGAP_Brn50 (1040)
367 Soares melanocyte 2NbHM (20391)
melanoma (MeWo cell line)
2390 762 (synonym: hmel2) (1630)
melanotic melanoma
5346 NIH_MGC_20 (21401)
9901 NIH_MGC_112 (18522)
7270 NIH_MGC_49 (10521)
5610 NIH_MGC_72 (37415)
6757 NIH_MGC_62 (6672)
metastatic prostate bone lesion
919 NCI_CGAP_Pr12 (2946)
16264 Full Length cDNA from the Mammalian Gene Collection (7269)
10426 NCI_CGAP_Sub9 (3394)
mixed (pool of 40 RNAs)
11264 NIH_MGC_142 (9383)
11263 NIH_MGC_141 (9043)
10553 NIH_MGC_128 (3447)
10551 NIH_MGC_127 (6597)
10550 NIH_MGC_126 (7836)
moderately-differentiated adenocarcinoma
1447 NCI_CGAP_Co14 (6784)
moderately-differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma
1462 NCI_CGAP_Ut2 (12722)
mucoepidermoid carcinoma
6988 NIH_MGC_59 (6768)
multiple sclerosis lesions
390 Soares_multiple_sclerosis_2NbHMSP (12465)
530 Stratagene muscle 937209 (4270)
myeloid cells
2460 NCI_CGAP_CML1 (2459)
10314 S13KMS5 (5289)
10315 S13KMS5s1 (2218)
natural killer cells
8892 NIH_MGC_106 (6069)
8850 NIH_MGC_47 (11070)
5375 NIH_MGC_19 (19653)
neuroepithelial cells
536 Stratagene NT2 neuronal precursor 937230 (4800)
normal endometrium
12637 NICHD_HS_Ut1 (1037)
12638 NICHD_HS_Ut2 (1010)
normal nasopharynx
13908 human nasopharynx (24880)
normal pigmented retinal epithelium
7269 NIH_MGC_43 (10595)
normal prostate
924 NCI_CGAP_Pr21 (1099)
910 NCI_CGAP_Pr22 (7353)
normal prostatic epithelial cells
928 NCI_CGAP_Pr11 (1009)
olfactory epithelium
358 Weizmann Olfactory Epithelium (1727)
1535 NCI_CGAP_Brn20 (1724)
optic nerve
10279 UI-E-CQ0 (1360)
10284 UI-E-CQ1 (6247)
8568 NIH_MGC_86 (9377)
ovarian tumor
341 Soares ovary tumor NbHOT (16223)
6998 OVARC1 (1675)
887 NCI_CGAP_Ov2 (2491)
pancreatic islet
422 Pancreatic Islet (1741)
papillary serous carcinoma
1360 NCI_CGAP_Ov26 (1897)
parathyroid tumor
417 Soares_parathyroid_tumor_NbHPA (19782)
pectoral muscle (after mastectomy)
852 HM3 (14538)
384 HM1 (2571)
14148 HM3/RH2 (2689)
6815 cdA (1609)
6828 NPC (3536)
6829 NPD (1494)
13737 FNP (1727)
507 Human placenta cDNA (TFujiwara) (1421)
6999 PLACE1 (7929)
740 Placenta I (1218)
pooled germ cell tumors
1049 NCI_CGAP_GC3 (2451)
1402 NCI_CGAP_GC6 (34497)
1050 NCI_CGAP_GC4 (8215)
poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with signet ring cell features
1449 NCI_CGAP_Gas4 (16909)
poorly-differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma
1463 NCI_CGAP_Ut3 (7938)
pre-eclamptic placenta
13001 NIH_MGC_148 (7692)
primary B-cells from tonsils (cell line)
6987 NIH_MGC_48 (16289)
primitive neuroectoderm
6756 NIH_MGC_56 (11391)
888 NCI_CGAP_Pr6 (1007)
renal carcinoma (ascites)
7246 NIH_MGC_45 (1047)
renal cell adenocarcinoma
4068 NIH_MGC_14 (13732)
renal cell tumor
1450 NCI_CGAP_Kid8 (2304)
303 Soares retina N2b5HR (1774)
433 Human retina cDNA randomly primed sublibrary (2288)
302 Soares retina N2b4HR (9518)
5606 NIH_MGC_67 (26561)
5374 NIH_MGC_16 (15032)
3714 NIH_MGC_17 (23520)
schizophrenic brain S-11 frontal lobe
629 Stratagene schizo brain S11 (2591)
sciatic nerve
7209 Lupski_sciatic_nerve (5265)
senescent fibroblast
423 Soares_senescent_fibroblasts_NbHSF (11925)
serous papillary carcinoma
1464 NCI_CGAP_Ut4 (14750)
skeletal muscle
45 STRATAGENE Human skeletal muscle cDNA library, cat. #936215. (2427)
small cell carcinoma
2586 NIH_MGC_7 (22458)
squamous cell carcinoma
1448 NCI_CGAP_Eso2 (2698)
8849 NCI_CGAP_Skn4 (6655)
1661 NCI_CGAP_Lu19 (6068)
stem cell 34+/38+
1537 NCI_CGAP_HSC2 (1319)
sympathetic trunk
7227 Lupski_sympathetic_trunk (8338)
synovial membrane
821 Synovial sarcoma (1383)
10552 NIH_MGC_109 (10021)
1752 434 (synonym: htes3) (6687)
three pooled meningiomas
2297 NCI_CGAP_Brn53 (3509)
889 NCI_CGAP_Thy1 (1461)
thyroid gland
7004 THYRO1 (1803)
total brain
186 normalized infant brain cDNA (17751)
transitional cell papilloma
8658 NIH_MGC_93 (8481)
1454 NCI_CGAP_Ov23 (5632)
486 Stratagene colon (#937204) (7724)
1446 NCI_CGAP_Brn35 (2921)
1703 NCI_CGAP_Brn52 (1654)
two pooled squamous cell carcinomas
2298 NCI_CGAP_Lu28 (3435)
unreported tissue type
3637 ST0240 (1133)
4665 MAGE resequences, MAGA (1888)
4721 MAGE resequences, MAGB (1969)
4722 MAGE resequences, MAGC (1640)
4723 MAGE resequences, MAGD (1657)
4724 MAGE resequences, MAGE (1691)
4725 MAGE resequences, MAGF (1828)
4726 MAGE resequences, MAGG (1323)
4727 MAGE resequences, MAGH (1626)
4728 MAGE resequences, MAGI (1672)
4729 MAGE resequences, MAGJ (1794)
4730 MAGE resequences, MAGK (1593)
4731 MAGE resequences, MAGL (1285)
4732 MAGE resequences, MAGM (1317)
4733 MAGE resequences, MAGN (1444)
4734 MAGE resequences, MAGO (1174)
4794 BN0070 (1348)
5218 HT0559 (1785)
5258 HT0618 (1287)
5741 HT0698 (1490)
5980 NT0104 (1223)
6682 NN0045 (3864)
6761 NIH_MGC_81 (9124)
6762 NIH_MGC_82 (7937)
6763 NIH_MGC_83 (6900)
6794 DCA (1354)
6805 DCB (4367)
6833 NIH_MGC_75 (7907)
6834 NIH_MGC_77 (12515)
6835 NIH_MGC_79 (9296)
6966 UT0073 (1270)
6989 NIH_MGC_76 (9292)
6991 NT2RM2 (1085)
6992 NT2RM4 (2838)
6994 NT2RP2 (5385)
6995 NT2RP3 (4418)
6996 NT2RP4 (1618)
7006 Y79AA1 (2744)
7239 NCI_CGAP_Sub8 (3303)
8099 MT0267 (1102)
8557 UT0114 (1194)
8558 UT0115 (1413)
8571 NIH_MGC_97 (18659)
8609 NCI_CGAP_HN20 (1144)
8655 Athersys RAGE Library (37220)
8800 Sugano Homo sapiens cDNA library (2138)
8848 NCI_CGAP_Skn3 (8018)
8893 NIH_MGC_113 (8786)
9514 UT0117 (1552)
9691 313 (synonym: hlcc2) (5029)
9692 686 (synonym: hlcc3) (34541)
9721 NIH_MGC_114 (8235)
9722 NIH_MGC_115 (9542)
9723 NIH_MGC_116 (9448)
9726 NIH_MGC_120 (9093)
9727 NIH_MGC_121 (8443)
9728 NIH_MGC_122 (8244)
10196 NIH_MGC_125 (4394)
10316 S14K402 (5619)
10317 S14K402s1 (1533)
10321 S18N669761 (1802)
10322 S19N665307 (1295)
10323 S20T665307 (3337)
11244 MAPcL (4029)
12525 B1T694954 (2220)
12527 B2N807043 (2111)
12530 L10ChoCK0 (1898)
12537 L14ChoiCK0 (1880)
12538 L15CKK1 (4284)
12540 L16HLK3 (2011)
12542 L17N670205n1 (3541)
12543 L18POOL1n1 (4055)
12547 L3SNU475 (2179)
12548 L3SNU475s1 (1570)
12551 L5HLK1 (3398)
12552 L5HLK1s1 (2492)
12553 L6ChoCK0 (2421)
12555 L7N800102 (1313)
12556 L7N800102s1 (1662)
12557 L8SCK0 (2792)
12558 L9SNU354 (1139)
12999 NIH_MGC_184 (6769)
13002 NIH_MGC_187 (5777)
13010 Homo sapiens B CELLS (RAMOS CELL LINE) COT 25-NORMALIZED (8642)
13018 NIH_MGC_186 (5668)
13022 Homo sapiens T CELLS (JURKAT CELL LINE) COT 10-NORMALIZED (9959)
13024 Homo sapiens HELA CELLS COT 25-NORMALIZED (9123)
13710 NIH_MGC_180 (5001)
13858 781 (synonym: hlcc4) (9157)
13869 FLP (30075)
14381 leukemia cell normalized cDNA library (3558)
2 Fetal brain, Stratagene (cat#936206) (3187)
21 Infant Brain, Bento Soares (1407)
83 Human pancreatic islet (2982)
88 Heart (1090)
110 Normalized infant brain, Bento Soares (1151)
111 Infant brain, Bento Soares (1635)
208 Human Brain (2283)
249 Stratagene lung (#937210) (8893)
250 Stratagene placenta (#937225) (2776)
252 Stratagene liver (#937224) (6533)
253 Stratagene ovary (#937217) (2421)
262 Soares fetal liver spleen 1NFLS (67623)
263 Soares infant brain 1NIB (39113)
271 Soares placenta Nb2HP (27986)
276 Fetal heart (1300)
278 Soares breast 2NbHBst (6472)
285 Human fetal heart, Lambda ZAP Express (11640)
298 Soares breast 3NbHBst (7592)
299 Soares adult brain N2b4HB55Y (3639)
300 Soares adult brain N2b5HB55Y (6440)
313 Clontech human aorta polyA+ mRNA (#6572) (4920)
318 Clontech human fetal brain polyA+ mRNA (#6535) (5959)
342 Soares_pineal_gland_N3HPG (4377)
368 Soares_placenta_8to9weeks_2NbHP8to9W (13442)
415 Soares_fetal_lung_NbHL19W (22124)
424 Soares_fetal_heart_NbHH19W (35681)
452 Soares_fetal_liver_spleen_1NFLS_S1 (25483)
464 Human adult (K.Okubo) (2200)
469 Human heart cDNA (YNakamura) (2352)
474 Soares_pregnant_uterus_NbHPU (27654)
493 Stratagene pancreas (#937208) (5431)
494 Stratagene fibroblast (#937212) (1243)
502 Stratagene neuroepithelium (#937231) (4250)
394 Human fetal brain (TFujiwara) (1686)
510 Stratagene ovarian cancer (#937219) (4735)
523 Stratagene endothelial cell 937223 (6366)
524 Stratagene neuroepithelium NT2RAMI 937234 (1741)
525 Stratagene hNT neuron (#937233) (5619)
527 Stratagene HeLa cell s3 937216 (6047)
552 Stratagene fetal retina 937202 (3335)
573 NCI_CGAP_Pr1 (4023)
574 NCI_CGAP_Pr2 (4006)
575 NCI_CGAP_Pr3 (3617)
628 Soares_testis_NHT (43162)
667 Skin tumor I (1123)
676 Fetal spleen (1125)
677 Testis I (1496)
688 Infant brain (2933)
690 Retina II (1199)
692 Thyroid (1824)
695 Fetal kidney II (1046)
702 Embryo, 9 week (1254)
706 T-cell lymphoma (1566)
707 Testis tumor (1033)
711 Jurkat T-cells V (3059)
719 Jurkat T-cells VI (3368)
721 Pancreas tumor I (1150)
730 Embryo, 12 week I (1490)
733 Pancreas tumor III (1316)
734 Pineal gland II (1937)
738 Embryo, 12 week II (1065)
748 Fetal lung II (1358)
765 Activated T-cells XX (1741)
680 Fetal heart II (1505)
769 Fetal brain I (1212)
781 Endometrial tumor (1818)
787 Prostate gland I (1604)
795 Embryo, 8 week I (2154)
798 Gall bladder I (1618)
805 HSC172 cells I (2060)
810 HSC172 cells II (1466)
815 Aorta endothelial cells (1166)
830 Aorta endothelial cells, TNF alpha-treated (1840)
843 Soares_total_fetus_Nb2HF8_9w (23631)
898 Gessler Wilms tumor (4750)
1042 Soares_NFL_T_GBC_S1 (57558)
1045 NCI_CGAP_Kid3 (12955)
1099 Barstead spleen HPLRB2 (1197)
766 Adrenal gland tumor (1040)
1184 Soares_NSF_F8_9W_OT_PA_P_S1 (23169)
1410 NCI_CGAP_Pr28 (25100)
1494 NCI_CGAP_Kid11 (36902)
1555 Barstead aorta HPLRB6 (4399)
1556 Barstead colon HPLRB7 (4999)
1730 Soares_thymus_NHFTh (3136)
2358 NCI_CGAP_Sub1 (1270)
2359 NCI_CGAP_Sub2 (1273)
2459 NCI_CGAP_Lu31 (1031)
2508 NCI_CGAP_Sub3 (7960)
2582 Soares_NHCe_cervix (1047)
2587 NIH_MGC_10 (17235)
2721 NCI_CGAP_Sub4 (3762)
2816 NCI_CGAP_Sub6 (2560)
2817 NCI_CGAP_Sub5 (4071)
2818 NCI_CGAP_Sub7 (4015)
3091 CT0214 (1437)
14414 NIH_MGC_183 (1129)
15616 Human primary human ocular pericytes. Unamplified (hw) (3324)
16290 Homo sapiens library (Ebert L) (1570)
1753 586 (synonym: hute1) (1606)
well-differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma
1461 NCI_CGAP_Ut1 (19822)
whole embryo
6980 HEMBA1 (5366)
6981 HEMBB1 (1984)

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