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GOES18 image.

GOES satellites carry onboard a Space Environment Monitor subsystem that measures X-rays, Energetic Particles and the Magnetic Field at the spacecraft.

GOES SEM Mission

NOAA operates a series of meteorology observing satellites known as Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES). Even though the weather pictures from GOES are seen nightly in our living rooms via the local weather broadcast, few people know that GOES also monitors space weather via its onboard Space Environment Monitor (SEM) system. The three main components of space weather monitored by GOES at 35,000 Km altitude are: X-rays, energetic particles, and magnetic field.

In 2001 GOES-12 was launched with a new X-ray instrument onboard -- the Solar X-ray Imager (SXI). This instrument creates images of the Sun, whereas the original XRS instrument only generated whole disk flux measurements. See the SXI pages for more information.

The GOES X-ray detector's primary function is to provide a sensitive means of detecting the beginning of solar flares--explosive events on the Sun's surface that are fueled by the intense magnetic fields that accompany sunspots. The larger solar flares can cause massive ejections of solar matter which reach all points in the solar system and are measured by GOES energetic particle sensors. Solar activity can also cause disturbances in the solar wind which can propagate to Earth and disturb our local magnetic field. The GOES on board magnetometer measures fluctuations near the boundary of that field which are used to correlate with the world-wide system of ground-based magnetometers.

Click for a larger version -- Thank you, Dr. Hiei! Space Weather is dominated by the Sun which supplies "seasons" in the form of the solar cycles--cycles of solar storms that erupt with varying force and frequency over an 11-year period. Ever present "trade winds" come in the form of galactic cosmic rays, a wind of atomic nuclei that blows steadily from all points in the galaxy and moves with such velocity that the nuclei penetrate everything in their path and come to rest deep within the Earth's crust. Earth's atmosphere and magnetosphere interact with these greater forces in a complex manner that in some ways provides a measure of protection from them and in others carries their effects to all forms of space-borne and ground based technologies and biological systems.

NGDC archives most of the key parameters needed to study space weather and to increase our understanding of its physical dynamics. The GOES SEM archive is the corner stone of that understanding and is critical to the newly initiated National Space Weather Program --a interagency program to provide timely and reliable space environment observations and forecasts. Current Space Weather forecasts are inadequate because techniques are based on statistics rather than an understanding of how Space Weather really works. Meteorologists have demonstrated that significant improvements in forecasting come when timely and relevant measurements are used in numerical models based on sound physical principles. US business partners in the National Space Weather Program include operators and manufacturers of satellite systems, electrical power systems, navigation systems, communication systems and manned space flight systems.

The data are transmitted via direct telemetry to the Space Environment Center (SEC) in Boulder, Colorado where they are use in real-time alerts and space weather forecasts. At the end of each month these data are transferred to the Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division of the National Geophysical Data Center, an organization known internationally as World Data Center A for Solar-Terrestrial Physics.

A New GOES Platform

NOAA began making geosynchronous weather observations in July 1974. The initial series of satellites maintained attitude control by spinning. With the advent of GOES-8, launched in 1995, the basic platform design was changed to one called "3-axis stabilized." This required changes in all of the GOES data collection systems. The data descriptions below mention details of the "spinning" SEM because it applies to data collected prior to GOES-8.

X-ray Sensor (XRS)

Ion chamber detectors provide whole-sun X-ray fluxes for the 0.5-to-4 and 1-to-8 Angstrom wavelength bands. These observations provide a sensitive means of detecting the start of solar flares. Two bands are measured to allow the hardness of the solar spectrum to be estimated. X-ray photons pass through a collimator which defines the view aperture, followed by a thin metallic window which defines the low energy threshold, before entering the ion chamber. The XRS viewing direction is in the meridian of the spacecraft spin axis. Dynamic positioning of the XRS elevation provides for maintaining the sun in the swept field. The X-ray emission of the sun is determined once during each spin. The spin period is 0.6 seconds and the data for both bands are given in Watts/cm2 sec. The full archive has 3.06 second time resolution.

Particle Sensor (EPS)

Solid-state detectors with pulse-height discrimination measure proton, alpha-particle, and electron fluxes. The look direction of the EPS is perpendicular to the GOES spin axis which is approximately aligned with Earth's rotation axis. Since the satellite spin period, 0.6 seconds, is much shorter than the accumulation times, the EPS provides a spin-averaged estimate of the local high-pitch-angle particle fluxes. The integral electron channel is given in units of count/cm2 sec sr while the other channels are given in count/cm2 sec sr MeV at the average energy. Because GOES spacecraft travel in a geostationary orbit, the E1 and P1 channels are responding primarily to trapped outer-zone particles. The P2 channel may occasionally respond to trapped particles during magnetically disturbed conditions. The geomagnetic cutoff at geostationary orbit is typically of the order of a few MeV as indicated by the lack of trapped P2 response except as noted above. Therefore, the remaining proton and alpha particle channels measure fluxes originating outside the magnetosphere -- from the sun or the heart of the Galaxy.


A twin-fluxgate spinning sensor allows Earth's magnetic field to be described by three mutually perpendicular components: HP, HE and HN. HP is parallel to the satellite spin axis, which is itself perpendicular to the satellite's orbital plane. HE lies parallel to the satellite-Earth center line and points earthward. HN is perpendicular to both HP and HE, and points westward for SMS-1, SMS-2, GOES-1, GOES-2, GOES-3, and GOES-4, and eastward for later spacecraft. HE and HN are deconvoluted from the transverse component HT. Field strength changes as small as 0.2 nanoTesla can be measured.

The magnetometer samples the field every 0.75 seconds. Four of these values constitute a frame and are sent to the ground station together. For data from GOES-3 or earlier spacecraft, the high and low values in the frame were thrown out and the remaining value closest to the previous frame's value is recorded. For data from GOES-5 and later spacecraft the high and low values in the frame are thrown out and the average of the two remaining values is recorded. No record is kept of which of the four values are used in the archive.

Data availability

In addition to the online data plotting capabilities, we offer these data in a variety of resolutions and media. Full-resolution data can be prepared on custom CD-ROMs for any period of interest between 1974 and the present. Five and one-minute averages are also available on CD-ROM or diskette but the time coverage is limited to 1986 to the present.

If you have questions about ordering data offline please contact Dan Wilkinson at


  • NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • GOES - Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellites
  • NGDC - National Geophysical Data Center
  • SEC - Space Environment Center
  • SEM - Space Environment Monitor

    The Moon:

    When the timing is just right, the moon will sneak into the view of the GOES imager. These astronomical images aren't quite of Hubble quality, but they are entertaining. Take a look!