RATMAP RatMapped
Rat Strain List RGNC


  • Locus Query
  • Locus by List
  • Recent Updates
  • Citations


  • Mapping Data


  • Physical
  • Rat Idiograms
  • Linkage Orientation
  • Integrated Linkage Maps with QTLs


  • Rat and Mouse


  • Rules
  • Brief Guidelines
  • Rat Chrom. Committes


  • Symbol Reservation
  • Easy Update
  • Form-based Update

    Related Links

  • Rat Sites
  • Linkage
  • Radiation Hybrids
  • Rat Resources
  • Strains and Cell Lines





    The Rat Genome Database RatMap is focused on presenting rat genes, DNA-markers, QTL:s etc that is localized to chromosome. The database is dedicated to rat gene nomenclature and should be consulted for queries in such matters (fredrik.stahl@gen.gu.se). RatMap is formally sorting under the (RGNC) and is maintained at the Dept for Cell and Molecular Biology, Göteborg University, Sweden.

    Within RatMap you can find information on:
    • Rat gene nomenclature
    • Chromosomal positions for genes, DNA-markers, QTL:s etc.
    • Predicted position for more than 6000 rat genes (see GAPP)
    • Gene function
    • Literature references
    • DNA-sequences with links to DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank
    • Unigene and Locus Link ID:s and links

    Searching RatMap
    The gene content in RatMap can be explored through a standardized query form (Locus Query) or by generating lists (Locus by List). Recent updates can be retrieved using the "Recent Updates" function. Literature references can be searched separately (Citations). Genes mapped physically to chromosome (in general by FISH) can also be found using the integrated "Physical Map".

    Information on genes, DNA-markers and QTL:s can be downloaded as text-files from the "Download" function. Genes with predicted positions only are not included in these downloads.

    Data submission
    Data submission as well as gene symbol reservation can be submitted through a submission form (Symbol Reservation) or (if larger data files) through the "Easy Update" function.

    RatMap is supported by:

    • The Swedish Cancer Society
    • The Swedish Research Council
    • The European Commission - BIOTECH Program (Contract No. BIO-CT96-0562)
    • The Carl Trygger Foundation
    • The Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation
    • Göteborg University

    News column

    XVth International Workshop on Genetic Systems in the Rat, 9th - 12th September 2004 Copenhagen, Denmark

    QTL Viewer
    A tool for QTL discovery is now available at RatMap. Based on an integrated linkage data all QTL present in RatMap is now aligned in a single map. The Rat QTL-tool makes it possible to overview all QTL and their relative chromosomal position. The appearance of different types of QTL can be selected/deselected according to the users own preferences. By selecting a chromosomal interval all QTL within such a limited region are retrieved. For each individual QTL detailed information is presented on genes and markers found in the interval, flanking markers, peak LOD score and more. The Rat QTL tool is fully integrated with the data content of the RatMap database ensuring an up-to-date presentation.

    Number of chromosomally localized rat:
    • Genes:1585
    • Predicted Genes:6327
    • Gene Clusters:23
    • Pseudogenes:21
    • DNA-markers:10647
    • QTLs:233

    This WebSite was created, and is developed and maintained by the
    RatMap Group (Sweden). If you have suggestions or corrections,
    mail us at: Per Johnson or use the anonymous message form.