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Marine Forecasts
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National Weather Service Marine Forecasts

Marine Service Charts (MSC) - $1.251

Marine Service Charts (MSC) list frequencies, schedules and locations of stations disseminating NWS products. They also contain additional weather information of interest to the mariner. Charts are also available via the Internet as listed below.

Both sides of the charts are available, both in GIF and PDF formats. The front side of the charts shows the map and the back side shows the text that accompanies the chart. PDF format is helpful if you need to zoom in on a specific area of the chart. To view the PDF formats of the charts, you must have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer.

Click here to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Location Number GIF Format PDF Format
Eastport, ME to Montauk Point, NY MSC-1 Front Back Front Back
Montauk Point, NY to Manasquan, NJ MSC-2 Front Back Front Back
Manasquan, NJ to Cape Hatteras, NC MSC-3 Front Back Front Back
Cape Hatteras, NC to Savannah, GA MSC-4 Front Back Front Back
Savannah, GA to Apalachicola, FL MSC-5 Front Back Front Back
Apalachicola, FL to Morgan City, LA MSC-6 Front Back Front Back
Morgan City, LA to Brownsville, TX MSC-7 Front Back Front Back
Mexican Border to Point Conception, CA MSC-8 Front Back Front Back
Point Conception, CA to Point St George, CA MSC-9 Front Back Front Back
Point St George, CA to Canadian Border MSC-10 Front Back Front Back
Great Lakes MSC-11/12 Front Back Front Back
Hawaiian Waters MSC-13 Front Back Front Back
Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands MSC-14 Front Back Front Back
Alaskan Waters MSC-15 Front Back Front Back
Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands MSC-16 Front Back Front Back


Mariner's Weather Log Magazine - $13.00/2 issues/yr ($18.20 foreign)3
Selected Marine Worldwide Weather Broadcasts (9/92)5
Voluntary Observing Ship Program Brochure (1999) Free6
NWS Observing Handbook NO.1 (7/02) Free 6
Marine Report User Guide
Worldwide Marine Radiofacsimile Broadcast Schedules (6/02) Free4
NOAA Weather Radio Brochure (NOAA/PA 94070, 3/97) Free2
NOAA Weather Radio Handout (NOAA/PA 94061, 3/97) Free2
A Mariners Guide to Marine Weather Services - Great Lakes (NOAA/PA 98053) Free2
A Mariners Guide to Marine Weather Services - Coastal, Offshore, and High Seas (NOAA/PA 98054) Free2
Safe Boating Weather Tips (NOAA/PA 94058, 6/98) Free2
World Meteorological Organization Publication 9 - Weather Reporting,
Volume D - Information for Shipping (Broadcast Schedules)15

National Ocean Service Coast Pilot, Volumes 1-91
NIMA Publication 117 "Radio Navigational Aids" (2001)...Includes CD 13
American Practical Navigator (Bowdich) Publication 9 (2002) - 13
Pilot Chart Atlas, 5 areas (some now online) 13
Sailing Directions, 42 volumes13
U.S. Notices to Mariners14
U.S. Notices to Mariners #1, Special Notice to Maniners Paragraphs 14
Summary of Notice to Mariners Corrections13
The Future in Marine Radio Communications - GMDSS (1998) Free9
Maritime Navigational Safety Information Sources, (9/94) $87
Maritime Radio Users Handbook (1992) $127
The British Admiralty List of Radio Signals8
Volume 1 Coast Radio Stations (2 parts)
Volume 2 Radio Navigational Aids, Satellite Navigation Systems, Legal Time,
Radio Time Signals & Electronic Fixing Systems
Volume 3 Maritime Safety Information Services (2 Parts)
Volume 4 Meteorological Observation Stations
Volume 5 Global Maritime Distress and Safety Systems
Volume 6 Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services & Port Operations (5 parts)

Canadian Coast Guard Radio Aids to Navigation - $18.95 Cdn
Directory of Private Weather Services - Free10
TSUNAMI The Great Waves  - Free 11
The SafetyNET Users Handbook  - Free
International SafetyNET Manual, 1994; IMO-908E12
NAVTEX Manual, 1994; IMO-951E12
GMDSS Handbook, 1995 (Includes GMDSS Master Plan); IMO-970E12
SOLAS Consolidated Edition, 1997; IMO-110E12
Mariners Guide for Hurricane Awareness in the North Atlantic Basin (large file 2.3 MB PDF format)
U.S. NAVY Hurricane Havens/Heavy Weather Handbooks

1. FAA/National Aeronautical Charting Office
    Distribution Division, AVN-530
    6303 Ivy Lane, Suite 400
    Greenbelt, MD 20770
    (301) 436-8301
    (800) 638-8972 toll free, U.S. only
    (301) 436-6829 FAX
    or your local chart agent:

2. Available Internet: Via
    Or from your local National Weather Service Forecast Office.

3. Superintendent of Documents
    P.O. Box 371954
    Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
    (202) 512-1800 (7:30am-4:30pm EST)
    (202) 512-2250 FAX
    (Distributed free to ships in VOS program)
    Click here for the GPO printed order form
    Click here for the GPO online order form

4. (Printed version available only to ships participating in U.S. VOS program)
    web version
    National Weather Service
    Voluntary Observing Ship Technical Lead
    Robert "Luke" Luke
    NDBC Bldg #1100
    Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
    (228) 688-1457
    (228) 688-3153 (fax)

5. Joint Publication of National Weather Service and Naval Oceanography Command
    Out of date, no longer produced
    Marine Communications Program Manager, W/OS21
    National Weather Service, NOAA
    1325 East-West Highway
    Silver Spring, MD 20910
    (301)-713-1677 x128

6. (Some publications available only to ships participating in U.S. VOS program)
    National Weather Service
    Voluntary Observing Ship Technical Lead
    Robert "Luke" Luke
    NDBC Bldg #1100
    Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
    (228) 688-1457
    (228) 688-3153 (FAX)

7. Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM)
    1800 Diagonal Rd. , Suite 600
    Alexandria, VA 22314-2840
    (703)-836-4229 (FAX)
    (New revisions in process)

8. UK Hydrographic Office
    Admiralty Way, Tauton, Somerset
    TA1 2DNm United Kingdom
    +44(0) 1823 337900 x3333
    +44(0) 1823 323753 FAX (Distributors)

9. Commandant (G-SCT)
    U.S. Coast Guard
    2100 Second Street S.W.
    Washington, D.C.  20593
    (202)-267-4106 (FAX)
10.  National Weather Service
       Industrial Meteorology Staff
       1325 East-West Highway
       Silver Spring, MD 20910

11.  International Tsunami Information Center
        737 Bishop St. Suite 2200
        Honolulu, HI 96813-3213
        808-532-5576 (FAX)

12.  International Maritime Organization (IMO)
        4 Albert Embankment
        London SE1 7SR UK
        +44 207 7357611
        +44 207 5873210 FAX (general enquiries)
        +44 207 5873241 FAX (publication sales)
        Telex: 23588

13.  Superintendent of Documents
    P.O. Box 371954
    Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
    (202) 512-1800 (7:30am-4:30pm EST)
    (202) 512-2250 FAX
    (NIMA publication distibution is presently in a transition process from
    National Ocean Service1 to GPO)

14.  Defense Supply Center-Richmond, Customer Assistance
    ATTN: Product Center 9
    8000 Jefferson Davis Highway
    Richmond, VA 23297-5337

15. American Meteorological Society
    Attn: WMO Publications Center
    45 Beacon Street
    Boston, MA 02108 USA
    1-617-227-2425 Fax: 1-617-742-8718

National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Weather, and Water Services
Marine and Coastal Weather Services Branch (W/OS21)
Last modified: Sep 29, 2004
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