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PubChem Substance
Substance Database

PubChem Compound
Compound Database

PubChem BioAssay
Bioactivity Database

Entrez PubChem Substances

Hints on using PubChem Substance

   About the Database

The PubChem Substances Database contains descriptions of chemical samples, from a variety of sources, and links to PubMed citations, protein 3D structures, and biological screening results that are available in PubChem BioAssay.

If the contents of a chemical sample are known, the description includes links to PubChem Compound.

Query Examples:
  • Molecule Synonym Search

    Which substances have "methotrexate" as a part of their molecule name?

        Enter methotrexate in the Search textbox and press the Go button.

    Which substances have "3'-Azido-3'-deoxythymidine" as their molecule name?

        Enter "3'-Azido-3'-deoxythymidine" (including the quotes) in the Search textbox and press the Go button.

  • Biology Links Search

    Which substances have biological activity links?

        1.  Select the Limits tab or go to the Limits page
        2.  In the Specify Required Links section, click the checkbox next to BioAssay and press the Go button.

  • Combined Searches

    Which substances contain the element Platinum and have biological activity links?

        1.  Select the Limits tab or go to the Limits page
        2.  In the Specify Required Links section, click the checkbox next to BioAssay
        3.  In the Specify Required Elements section, click the checkbox to the left of Pt
        4.  Press the Go  button in the Search toolbar.