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In collaboration with authors and publishers, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is adapting biomedical books for the Web. The books may be accessed in two ways:

1. They may be searched directly using any search term or phrase (in the same way as the bibliographic database PubMed). more...

2. They can be found through links to PubMed abstracts. Each PubMed abstract has a "Books" button that displays a facsimile of the abstract, in which some phrases are hypertext links. These phrases are also found in the books available at NCBI. Clicking on a hyperlink results in a list of books in which the phrase is found. more...

Currently, the majority of the links are between the books and PubMed. In the future, more links will be made between the books and other types of information, such as gene and protein sequences and macromolecular structures.