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Flood Hazard Mapping


Homeowners logoThese pages help homeowners locate and obtain copies of their floodmaps, understand how to read them, and request a map change they believe is warranted.

Floodmaps are the tool FEMA uses to determine the flood risk homeowners face. Prior to the enactment of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), homeowners had no mechanism to protect themselves from the devastation of flooding and in many parts of the United States unchecked development in the floodplain was exacerbating the flood risk.

Hot Topics

Online Tutorials for Homeowners

firm tutorial logoFIS Tutorial Logo
Use the FIRM and FIS tutorials to gain knowledge on reading Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) and Flood Insurance Studies (FIS). The FIRM tutorial educates users on the use and application of FEMA FIRMs, while the FIS tutorial focuses on FEMA FIS texts. Visit the Online Tutorials page.


This form should be used when applying for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or  a Letter of Map Revision based on fill (LOMR-F). View or download the MT-EZ form.

Where to view your floodmaps locally

FMAC LogoFEMA stores floodmaps in local "map repositories" so that you can have easy access to them. Please call the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627) or "email a map specialist" for information on where the map repository for your community is located. You may also order them through the Map Service Center.

Streamline the application process

Learn how to help ensure a fast turnaround for your Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) application, by helping streamline the process.

The National Flood Insurance Program

Get tips and important links if your property is damaged by a flood. Learn more about the NFIP.











 Last Updated: Monday, 25-Oct-2004 08:44:56 EDT
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Flood Hazard Mapping

Flood Hazard Mapping

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· Homeowners
· Insurance Professionals
· Lenders
· Engineers/Surveyors
· Floodplain Managers

· Map Modernization
· Cooperating Technical Partners
· Status of Map Change Requests
· Forms, Documents, and Software
· Online Tutorials
· FAQs
· Other Important Info
· Mitigation

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