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Agricultural Bioterrorism: Select Agent Program
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Methyl Bromide

NAPIS (National Agricultural Pest Information System)


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Safeguarding American Plant Resources
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Solid Wood Packing Materials

Whitefly Taxonomic and Ecological Website

Methyl Bromide Registry

The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 amended the Plant Protection Act by adding a new section 419 (7 U.S.C. 7719). This section provides in part that :

...The Secretary [of Agriculture], upon request of State, local, or tribal authorities, shall determine whether methyl bromide treatments or applications required by State, local, or tribal authorities to prevent the introduction, establishment, or spread of plant pests (including diseases) or noxious weeds should be authorized as an official control or official requirement. The Secretary shall not authorize such treatments or applications unless the Secretary finds there is no other registered, effective, and economically feasible alternative available.

We are currently developing proposed regulations. The regulations will specify the procedures to follow when requesting that we list a specific methyl bromide use in this registry. We will publish our proposed procedures in the Federal Register for public comment. Once final regulations are effective, and we receive applications for listing in the registry, we will post all listed uses on this website.

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