Subject: American Community Security Update for January 4, 2002 We use this service to provide you the most up-to-date safety and security related information we have available. We will continue to do so, sending out messages as soon as new information becomes available. In addition to sharing security-related information, we will continue to include news and information about our American Citizens Services of a more general nature. ----------------------- Security Situation ----------------------- The security situation in Japan remains the same with no new threat information reported from either the American or the Japanese side. The most up-to-date information from the Department of State on the worldwide security situation is the October 23, 2001 Worldwide Caution. You can read that message at ----------------------- Interim Final Rule Regarding the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (Public Comment Period) ----------------------- The Department of Justice has published an Interim Final Rule regarding Administration of the "September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001." The Interim Final Rule sets out procedures by which those injured and representatives of those killed in the September 11th attacks can apply for compensation. This notice solicits input from interested parties regarding how the new compensation program should be structured. Fax and email comments are encouraged as specified in the notice below. Please direct your comments and questions to the Department of Justice through the mail, email, phone or FAX numbers below. Please do not send your comments to the Embassy in Tokyo. Please also contact the Department of Justice through the mail, email, phone or FAX numbers below with any questions. Applications for benefits must be made directly through the Department of Justice; details and forms needed are on their website at Persons cannot apply for benefits through the American Embassy in Tokyo. Eligible claimants can receive immediate advance benefit payments of $50,000 in cases involving death and $25,000 in certain cases involving injury. A copy of the Interim Final Rule and request for comments, as well as instructions for applying for advance benefit payments, can be found on DOJ's website under victims compensation. ----------------------- The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001 ----------------------- The United States Congress authorized the creation of a new victim compensation program. Under this new program, individual victims who suffered physical harm, as a result of the September 11th attack or the representatives of deceased victims of the September 11th attack, will be eligible to apply for compensation for economic loss (including loss of earnings, business, employment opportunities, and others) and non-economic loss (including physical and emotional pain, suffering, physical impairment, and others). A "Special Master" was appointed by the U.S. Attorney General to administer the program. The Civil Division of the Department of Justice, which has responsibility for administering this new compensation program, drafted the Interim Rule, which was published in the Federal Register for comment by January 21, 2002. The notice appears at DOJ's website ----------------------- INFORMATION ----------------------- The interim regulation is in place and will be until further notice, although public comment is available for only 30 days, until January 21. The notice solicits input from interested parties regarding how the new compensation program should be structured. Fax and email comments are encouraged as specified in the notice. ----- By Mail -------------------- Please write to: Kenneth L. Zwick Dir. of Office Management Programs, Civil Division US Department of Justice Room 3140, Main Building 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20530 USA ----- By Email -------------------- Email comments to ----- By FAX -------------------- FAX comments to 301-519-5956. ----- By Phone -------------------- Contact the Department of Justice at 888-714-3385. ============