Subject: American Community Security Update - September 6, 2002 Welcome to the September newsletter! We use this service to provide you the most up-to-date safety and security related information we have available on a monthly basis. Should we receive any time-sensitive information of a security-related nature, we will use this channel to keep you informed immediately. In addition to sharing security-related information, we will continue to include in the monthly version news and information of a more general nature. Here are the topics for this month: -- September 11 Remembrance -- State Department Guidance on Responding to Radiological and Nuclear Incidents -- U.S. Absentee Voting Overseas -- Frequently Asked Questions on Voting ------------------ Security Situation ------------------ While we appreciate the attention paid to anniversary dates, we have no specific threat information relating to 9/11 at this time. The most current information, the latest World Wide Public Announcement from the Department of State, was issued July 1, 2002, and can be found at or at Information on enhancing personal and corporate security, online registration and a sign up form for our free email newsletter are all available at All our past newsletters, going back to just after 9/11/01, are also on the web site. Any new security-related information we might receive will be posted on the web site. Any future World Wide Public Announcements will be distributed via our email newsletter as well as being available online. ------------------------ September 11 Remembrance ------------------------ In remembrance of the tragic events of 9/11, two ceremonies will be held at the Embassy; both are open to the public, and will take place at the Embassy's main entrance. At approximately 10 am on 9/11/02, the Embassy will hold a tree planting ceremony. The planting of this Japanese maple tree in a public space outside the Embassy symbolizes our appreciation and gratitude for the outpouring of sympathy and support from the Japanese people following the terrorist attacks. The location will be our front gate, where many people spontaneously left flowers last year. Those flowers were burned in accordance with Shinto custom, and the ashes will be used to fertilize the tree and provide continuity of faith and remembrance. A second ceremony will be held at 9:46 pm the same day, the exact time the first aircraft impacted on the World Trade Center on 9/11. In memory of those who lost their lives, a moment of silence will be observed, followed by candle lighting and bagpipe music appropriate to such a moment. Japanese, Americans and anyone who would like to gather with a candle and remember the moment are welcome to attend. No tickets, invitations or reservations are needed. Events at the Embassy on the morning of 9/11 may cause some delay in routine Consular services, such as notarials and passport renewals. Most adults and some children can renew their passports by mail; details are at For those who do need to come in person to the Embassy, please plan on visiting us in the afternoon on 9/11 or on another day to avoid delays. Japanese notarial seekers, who typically must visit us only on Wednesday mornings, will be welcome any time during the week to avoid congestion on the morning of 9/11. ------------------------------------------------ Responding to Radiological and Nuclear Incidents ------------------------------------------------ Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of State released a "Fact Sheet" entitled "Guidance for Responding to Radiological and Nuclear Incidents". This fact sheet provides guidance on what to do in the event of three types of nuclear/radiological events: dispersal of radioactive materials by a radiation dispersal device (RDD); detonation of a nuclear weapon; and an accidental/intentional nuclear power plant release. If you are interested in reading this guidance, the fact sheet is available in its entirety on the State Department's travel website at: Please note that the fact sheet was produced for general information, and not in response to any specific threat here or elsewhere in the world. As always, we will share with American citizens any information we receive regarding threats to their safety. ----------------------------- U.S. Absentee Voting Overseas ----------------------------- The November general election is rapidly approaching. American voters overseas are reminded to register early for the upcoming general election scheduled for November 5, 2002. Some states begin sending out absentee ballots as early as September 5th. All states will have mailed out absentee ballots by October 5th. All states and territories allow American citizens to register and request an absentee ballot by submitting a single Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). The Federal Voting Assistance Program website () contains an on-line version of the FPCA and 2002-2003 Voting Assistance Guide. Forty-five states allow use of the on-line version of FPCA. State absentee registration and voting procedures are available in the 2002- 2003 Voting Assistance Guide. If you are using an FPCA to register and request a ballot, send it early so the U.S. county voting officials receive it at least 45 days before the election day to allow them sufficient time to process the request and mail a ballot back to you. Most states and territories begin mailing ballots to citizens 30-45 days before an election. Always execute and return your voted ballots regardless of when you receive it. Court decisions sometimes require the counting of ballots voted and postmarked by election day, but received late. When a regular ballot from the state has been requested in a timely manner and has not been received, obtain a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) from the Consulate's Voting Assistance Officer and send it in. FWAB is a back-up ballot available from the Voting Assistance Officer. It is not available on the Internet. Return the voted FWAB to the U.S. local election official by the state deadline. Consult the Voting Assistance Guide for further information on the use of FWABs. The Federal Voting Assistance Program's website ( ) lists helpful links for U.S. voters. Among them is the League of Women Voters' DemocracyNet website ( ) which lists all federal, state and local candidates, and their positions. You can access information for your state by going to the map of the U.S., clicking on your state, or by typing in your zip code. The November 2002 General Election is almost upon us and registration deadlines are even sooner. Time is running out for citizens who want to participate in the elections this year. It is important to request voter registration and a ballot as soon as possible! American Citizens should consider submitting their voter registration applications no later than the week of September 1 - 7, 2002. This week is the last really safe week to submit a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA), SF-76, request for registration and/or an absentee ballot that meets most state deadlines. It's also important to return your voted ballots as soon as possible to allow sufficient transit time back to their local election official. You may also contact the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) directly. During non- business hours, citizens may leave a message. When doing so, please leave sufficient information to allow the FVAP to get back to you in a timely manner (include what country you are calling from, a complete telephone number including international prefixes, and e-mail address if available). Remember there is one toll-free number for the United States and Canada: 1-800- 438-VOTE (8683). The toll free number for Germany is: 0800-1007428. ------------------------------------ Frequently Asked Questions on Voting ------------------------------------ How do I apply for an absentee ballot? The Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) is accepted by all states and territories as either an application for registration form or for registration, or as an application for absentee ballot. You may also send a written request for a ballot to your county, city, town or parish clerk. I would like to vote but don't know how. Where can I find assistance? Specific information on applying for absentee registration and a ballot is contained in the 2002-03 Voting Assistance Guide. Hard copies of the Guide are available at the U.S. Embassy and at U.S. Consulates around Germany. In addition, hard copies are often available at U.S. citizen organizations overseas, corporate offices of U.S. companies and also available for sale to the public from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Overseas citizens can request these materials by contacting the FVAP directly at Do I have to be registered to vote absentee? Registration requirements vary from state to state. Many states and territories allow the citizen to register and request an absentee ballot by submitting a single FPCA. However, other states may require the use of two separate FPCA forms: one to register, and a second FPCA to request an absentee ballot. Consult Chapter 3 of the 2002-03 Voting Assistance Guide for specifics. Where do I send my Federal Post Card Application? Chapter 3 of the Voting Assistance Guide outlines absentee voting procedures for each state and territory. In your state or territory of legal voting residence under the heading of "Where to Send It" you will find a list of addresses for county and local election officials. At present, there are no provisions to allow for submission of the FPCA through the Internet. Must I submit a separate application for each election? In some states and territories you must submit a separate FPCA for each election. Many states and territories accept a single FPCA for all ballots issued during an election year. When in doubt, send a separate application for each election. If I am required to have my FPCA or ballot notarized, how do I do it? Generally, election materials may be witnessed or sworn to before a notary, U.S. Commissioned Officer, Embassy or Consular officer or other official authorized to administer oaths. Most states and territories do not require notarization of the FPCA or ballot, therefore consult Chapter 3 of the Voting Assistance Guide to determine your state's or territory's requirements. In all instances you must sign the FPCA. When mailing an FPCA or other election materials to my state or territory, do I have to pay postage? Generally, all election-related materials are mailed postage paid from any APO or FPO mail facility, all U.S. Embassies and Consulates and any post office in the U.S. You must pay postage if the materials are mailed from a non-U.S. postal facility. As mentioned earlier, at present, there are no provisions to allow for submission of the FPCA through the Internet. When is the best time to apply for an absentee ballot? Generally, FPCAs used to only request a ballot should be received by election officials at least forty-five days before election day to allow ample time to process the request and mail the ballot. If applying for both registration and an absentee ballot, the FPCA may have to be mailed earlier. Consult Chapter 3 of the Voting Assistance Guide for further information on state or territorial deadlines. Be sure to advise your election official of any change to your address. When should I receive my ballot? Under normal circumstances, most states and territories begin mailing ballots to citizens 30-45 days before an election. If you have not received your ballot two weeks before the election, contact the Federal Voting Assistance Program's (FVAP) Ombudsman Service to assist in determining when your ballot was mailed. Always execute and return your absentee ballot regardless of when you receive it. Court decisions sometimes require the counting of ballots voted by election day, but received late. What is an election for Federal office? An election for Federal office is any general, special, or primary election held solely or in part for the purpose of selecting, nominating, or electing any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the United States Senate, Member of the United States House of Representatives, Delegates from the District of Columbia, Guam, Virgin Islands, and American Samoa, and Resident Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. What is the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot for overseas citizens? Overseas citizens may be able to use a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) available through Voting Assistance Officers at military installations or at Embassies/Consulates. To be eligible for this ballot, a citizen must: Be located overseas (including APO/FPO addresses). Apply for a regular ballot early enough so that the request is received by the local election official at least 30 days before the election. Not have received the requested regular absentee ballot. In summary, the FWAB is only valid when a regular ballot from the state or territory has already been requested, in a timely manner, and has not been received. Return the voted FWAB to the local election official to meet the state or territorial deadline for counting. Presently, the states of Iowa, Montana, Oklahoma, Rhode Island , Virginia and West Virginia allow the FWAB to be used by military and overseas civilian citizens in elections other than general elections, or for offices other than Federal offices. Where would I obtain information on issues and positions taken by candidates? In addition to reading U.S. news magazines and newspapers, both Democrats Abroad and Republicans Abroad maintain overseas offices and have information pertaining to candidates and issues. U.S. Embassies and Consulates can provide the local addresses or phone numbers for these organizations. Alternatively, the party organizations can be contacted by writing: Andrew Goldberg, Executive Director Democrats Abroad 430 S. Capitol Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 Republicans Abroad 310 First St., S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 Where can I find information on state and local issues while overseas? Surf the Web for information! Alternatively, subscribe to hometown newspapers or contact friends and relatives for information on state and local issues. Armed Forces Radio and Television Service broadcasts American news and entertainment programs throughout the world. If I do not maintain a legal residence in the U.S., what is my "legal state of residence?" Your "legal state of residence" for voting purposes is the state or territory where you last resided immediately prior to your departure from the United States. This right extends to overseas citizens even though they may not have property or other ties in their last state or territory of residence and their intent to return to that state or territory may be uncertain. When completing the residence section of the FPCA, be sure to enter your entire mailing address of that last residence including, street or rural route and number. This information is necessary to place you in the proper voting district, ward, precinct or parish. Family members of citizens residing overseas, who are U.S. citizens and who have never resided in the U.S., usually claim one of their parent's legal state or territory of residence as their own. Will I be taxed by my last state or territory of residence if I vote absentee? Exercising your right to vote in elections for Federal offices only, does not affect the determination of residence or domicile for purposes of any tax imposed under Federal, state, or local law. Voting in an election for Federal office only, may not be used as the sole basis to determine residency for the purpose of imposing state and local taxes. If you claim a particular state or territory as your residence and have other ties with that state or territory in addition to voting, then you may be liable for state and local taxation, depending upon that particular state or territorial law. Consult the 2002-03 Voting Assistance Guide for information on probable tax obligations. Can I register or vote at the Embassy or Consulate? At the present time, there are no provisions for regular voting or registration to be conducted at U.S. Embassies or Consulates. U.S. Embassy and Consular officials will assist U.S. citizens in processing FPCA forms, witnessing or notarizing FPCA forms (if required), and providing other absentee voting information. U.S. Embassy and Consulate locations serve also as a mailing point where FPCA forms and other election materials may be mailed back, postage paid, to your local voting jurisdiction in the U.S. where absentee registration and ballot requests are actually processed