NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #0117935 AWSFL008-DS3

Assessment/Completion of the NEES Experimental Infrastructure

Latest Amendment Date March 8, 2001
Award Number 0117935
Award Instrument Standard Grant
Program Manager Joy Pauschke
Start Date March 1, 2001
Expires February 28, 2002 (Estimated)
Expected Total Amount $60000 (Estimated)
Investigator Andre Filiatrault afiliatrault@ucsd.edu (Principal Investigator current)
Scott A. Ashford (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Ahmed-W. M. Elgamal (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Andre Filiatrault afiliatrault@ucsd.edu (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Sponsor U of Cal San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0934
La Jolla, CA 920930934 858/534-0246
Field Application 0304010 Earthquake
Program Reference Code 1057,1576,CVIS,


Abstract CMS 0117935 Seible

This award provides funding to the University of California, San Diego to conduct a national earthquake engineering research equipment workshop for the George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES). NEES is a project funded under the National Science Foundation (NSF) Major Research Equipment program and has been authorized by Congress for $81.9 million during FY 2000-FY 2004. In February 2001, NSF announced the NEES Earthquake Engineering Research Equipment Portfolio, Phase 1, consisting of eleven awards to ten institutions for $45 million. These eleven awards include new and upgraded shake tables, upgraded centrifuges, an upgraded wave basin for tsunami research, large-scale laboratory experimentation systems, and geotechnical and structural earthquake engineering field equipment. These equipment sites will be part of the NEES collaboratory and serve as national, shared-use earthquake engineering experimental research equipment installations, with teleobservation and teleoperation capabilities, networked together through the high performance Internet. In addition to providing access for telepresence at the NEES equipment sites, the network will use cutting-edge tools to link high performance computational and data storage facilities, including a curated repository for experimental and analytical earthquake engineering and related data. The network will also provide distributed physical and numerical simulation capabilities and resources for visualization of experimental and computed data. Through NEES, the earthquake engineering community will use these advanced experimental capabilities to test and validate more complex and comprehensive analytical and computer numerical models that will improve the seismic design and performance of our Nation's civil and mechanical systems. NSF intends to issue a Phase 2 program solicitation during 2001 to complete the NEES Equipment Portfolio. The purpose of this workshop is to bring the earthquake engineering community together to (a) summarize the NEES Equipment Portfolio, Phase 1, (b) assess other existing earthquake engineering facilities/equipment available in the United States, (c) identify possible missing components of the NEES Equipment Portfolio, Phase 1, and (d) recommend strategies to complete the NEES Equipment Portfolio during Phase 2. The earthquake engineering community can participate in this workshop via input on the web prior to the workshop and/or through attendance at the workshop. A report summarizing the recommendations from this workshop will be posted on the web for broad dissemination.

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