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Afghanistan Update (Header Graphic)Afghanistan Update (Header Graphic Number 2)
Soldiers of Task Force Devil, attached to the 82nd Airborne Division from Kandahar Army Airfield, Afghanistan, convoy through one of many marketplaces on their way to the village of Kakaran in Afghanistan, May 27, 2003. There they will provide the people of Kakaran with much needed medical assistance. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Leopold Medina, Jr.
Into Afghanistan - Enduring Freedom Marks 3 Years
The Real Story of October 9th
BAGRAM, Afghanistan, Oct. 11, 2004 — Something amazing happened in Afghanistan Oct. 9: a people who have lived in fear for the past 25 years, a people who in 2,000 years have never had a say in who their leader would be, a people who have been threatened, intimidated and attacked stood up, and with one simple act, said “We’ve made our choice, and we choose democracy.” Commentary
Afghanistan Engineer District
Security & Reconstruction
Coalition Joint Task Force-180 is a coalition military operation in Afghanistan with military forces from 20 coalition partner countries focused on creating the conditions for security, stability and reconstruction. Each day, CJTF-180 Public Affairs Press Center provides news and information about operations in the coalition joint operating area and about coalition partner military activities and their operations in Afghanistan.
Oct. 25
U.S. Army NCO Corps Inductions — Joint-Style
KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 25, 2004 — Six newly-promoted Army sergeants in the Office of Military Cooperation - Afghanistan were inducted into the U.S. Army NCO Corps here but not in the usual manner.  Story
Oct. 22
Afghans Embrace New Right to Vote
KANDAHAR CITY, Afghanistan, Oct. 22, 2004 — With the eyes of the world focused on Afghanistan, the new democracy conducted its first presidential election Oct. 9.  Story
Afghans Exercise Rights in First Vote
QALAT, Afghanistan — It was a cold, overcast day Oct. 9, but the people of Zabul province in southern Afghanistan braved the elements to cast their votes for president in Afghanistan's first democratic election in recorded history. Story
Oct. 21
Khalilzad Identifies Challenges
Facing New Afghan Government
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21, 2004 — Eliminating the threat of the Taliban, demobilizing the remaining Afghan militias and fighting the narcotics trade are the primary challenges facing the government of whichever candidate emerges as winner of Afghanistan's October 9 presidential election, according to U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad.  Story
Herat Regional Command Activated
HERAT, Afghanistan, Oct. 21, 2004 — “All of the Afghan people are looking forward to seeing the green berets everywhere serving the country,” said Afghan National Army Lt. Gen. Shir M. Karimi. Story
One Killed in Air Force
Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21, 2004 — An Air Force HH-60 helicopter crewmember was killed and two others were injured when their aircraft crashed during a medical evacuation mission about 11 p.m. Oct. 20 east of Shindand, Afghanistan. Story
Oct. 20
Afghan Vote Rejects Terror,
But Violence Claims More Lives
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20, 2004 — Though Afghanistan's Oct. 9 election represented an emphatic rejection of the Taliban and al Qaeda way of life, the violence borne of those beliefs claimed the lives of five Joint Electoral Management Body workers Oct. 20, a U.S. military spokesman said today.  Story
Oct. 19
Bamian Army Volunteer
Center Opens in Afghanistan
BAMIAN, Afghanistan, Oct. 19, 2004 — In the shadow of what were once towering Buddha statues lies the city of Bamian, home to the newest Afghan National Army volunteer center. It is a land of breathtaking beauty, with steep, snow-covered mountains and the azure blue of Band-e Amir Dam only miles away.  Story
U.S. Commander: Afghan
Elections Significant Milestone
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19, 2004 — The Afghan presidential election on Oct. 9 represented a significant milestone on the country's road to a brighter future, the U.S. general in charge of coalition forces there said.  Story
Afghan Outreach Effort
Snowballs Into Community Project
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19, 2004 — David Buchanan said he knew he'd get a strong response when the Dale City (Va.) Volunteer Fire Department put out the word that one of its former members - now a career fireman deployed with his Army Reserve unit to Afghanistan - wanted winter coats and school supplies for Afghan children.  Story
Oct. 15
Afghan Election 'Remarkable Event,'
Ambassador Says
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15, 2004 — The Afghan presidential election held Oct. 9 was "a remarkable event," U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad said at the Pentagon today.  Story
Oct. 14
Army Completes Investigations into
Detainee Deaths in Afghanistan
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14, 2004 — The Army Criminal Investigation Command has completed its reports of investigation into the deaths of two detainees under U.S. custody in Afghanistan in December 2002.  Story
Corps of Engineers Builds
Toward Terror-Free Afghanistan
KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 14, 2004 — Remnants of former Soviet bases -- with the shells of their buildings, near bombed-out tanks, minefields and leftover munitions -- are scattered over the mountainous landscape in Afghanistan. For a country that has been at war for more than 20 years, it is an all-too-familiar scene.  Story
Oct. 13
Peaceful Afghan Elections a
'Milestone' for Country
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13, 2004 — The presidential elections in Afghanistan Oct. 9 were a "milestone" in the history of the troubled country, said a coalition spokesman in Kabul today. Story
Oct. 12
Afghan Elections 'A Huge Success'
BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan — It was an historic day for the people of Afghanistan by any measure, but for Madame Gul of the village of Raban, it was much more than just historic; it was a life-changing event. "The Taliban burned my house, they kicked us out of (Raban)," Gul said. "Now I have freedom. I'm standing in front of you and voting. Of course my life has been changed."   Story
U.S. Provides Assistance to Downed Aircraft
KABUL, Afghanistan — A U.N. aircraft destined to collect ballots in a remote area experienced engine trouble and made an emergency landing approximately 38 kilometers northeast of Narray in Badakhshan Province.  Story
Oct. 10
Bin Laden Hunt Continues 24/7,
DoD Leaders Report
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10, 2004 — The manhunt for Osama bin Laden continues "every day, 24 hours a day," the commander of coalition forces in Afghanistan told NBC News this week.   Story
Rice Sure Afghan Elections Results to Stand
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10, 2004 — Despite claims of fraud from 15 of the 16 Afghan presidential candidates, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice is sure the results will stand, she told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday today.  Story
Oct. 9
Coalition Forces Attacked, 5 Detained
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan — No injuries or damages to equipment were reported following a mortar attack near Qalat. Five suspected insurgents were detained after a Coalition patrol after the attack. Story
6 Suspected Insurgents Captured
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan — Two suspected insurgents were detained near Lashkar Gah Friday. The two were found carrying 510 rounds of 7.62 ammunition, four hand grenades, two pistols, two SKS and two AK-47s. Local police forces found the two and detained them. Story
Coalition Soldiers Discover Caches
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan — No injuries or damages to equipment were reported following a mortar attack near Qalat. Five suspected insurgents were detained after a Coalition patrol after the attack. Story
Oct. 6
Soldiers Deployed in Afghanistan Become Citizens
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, — Coalition soldiers discovered a weapons cache near Bagram Air Field Oct. 8, 2004. It contained four 107 mm rockets, 50 25mm shells, one 82mm mortar round and 20 82mm mortar fuses. A local national led coalition soldiers to the cache. The cache has been deemed unserviceable, and will be destroyed.  Story
U.S. Commander Notes
Successes On OEF's Third Anniversary
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6, 2004 — Three years after the coalition began combat operations against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan, the Afghan people are just days away from a presidential election expected to be a major stabilizing effort in a lynchpin country in the war on terror. Story
Coalition Forces Destroy Safehaven;
Remaining Terrorists Target Elections
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6, 2004 — Afghanistan was the "head of the snake" of global terrorist activity, a petri dish that bred extremists committed to terrorizing free people around the world - and that's why continued success there is so critical to the global war on terror.  Story
Afghans Lead the Way to Elections
BAGRAM AIR BASE Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, Oct. 6, 2004 — As the days tick away, edging closer to the first national elections in Afghanistan, Coalition troops and United Nations elections workers are making sure that the Afghans are taking a leading role.  Story
Deployed Soldiers Become Citizens
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, Oct. 6, 2004 — For 17 members of the coalition serving in Afghanistan, living the "American Dream" became reality here Oct. 1 when they took the oath of citizenship.  Story
Oct. 2
Afghan Soldiers Killed in Attacks; Coalition Troops Discover Weapons Caches
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2, 2004 — No injuries were reported today following separate attacks Oct. 1 near Orgun-e, Afghanistan -- the detonation of an improvised explosive device in a mosque and an ambush on a coalition convoy, according to Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan officials. Story
Agencies Work to Rebuild Afghanistan
NIJRAB DISTRICT, Afghanistan, Oct. 1, 2004 — Throughout Afghanistan, USAID has a very large impact. It's not only developing infrastructure, but also contributing to capacity building, training, technical assistance, and the lawmaking process at both the national and local-provincial levels. Story
Sep. 29
Armitage Urges Continued Support for Afghanistan
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2004 — Just 10 days before Afghanistan's presidential election, Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage told Congress all signs point toward the successful election of a sovereign government. Story
Afghan Army Chases Terrorists, Seizes Weaponry
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2004 — As Afghan national elections near, Afghan National Army and U.S. troops continue to chase down terrorists and capture enemy weaponry. Story
Sep. 26
Afghan Elections Present Opportunities, Challenges
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26, 2004 — In two weeks, Afghanistan will freely choose its next president. The elections will not take place without challenge, Lt. Gen. David Barno said during a news conference in Kabul Sept. 25. Story
Sep. 24
Afghan National Army Recruiting
Extends to Northeast
FAIZABAD, Afghanistan, Sept. 24, 2004 — Recruiting for the Afghan National Army extended to the country's northeastern province that touches China with the opening of the newest National Army Volunteer Center Sept. 7. Story
Sep. 23
Afghan National Army Activates
Second Regional Command
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 — The Afghan National Army took another step toward greater security and strengthening the Afghan government with the activation today of a second regional command at Gardez.  Story
U.S., Coalition Casualties Reported,
Weapons Caches Found
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 — Officials announced Sept. 22 that three U.S. soldiers had been killed and 14 others injured as a result of eight incidents on Sept. 20 where Afghan National Army and coalition forces had engaged anti- coalition militia.  Story
Sep. 22
Pakistan Deters Terrorists from
Disrupting Afghan Elections
UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 22, 2004 — Pakistan will do all it can to prevent terrorists from using its territory to disrupt the Afghan presidential election October 9, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said September 22.  Story
Sep. 21
Karzai Details Challenges Facing Afghanistan
UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 21, 2004 — Terrorism and illicit drugs are two of the major challenges facing Afghanistan today, President Hamid Karzai said Sept 21.  Story
Coalition Soldiers Injured in Attack
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Sept. 21, 2004 — Two Coalition soldiers were wounded Sept. 20 when an improvised explosive device exploded in Shinkay, according to Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan.  Story
Sep. 20
Air Force Civil Engineers Keep ‘Em Flying
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, Sept. 20, 2004 — Airman 1st Class Aaron McDonald radios the air control tower for clearance to enter the runway. His mission: Break up five different 24-inch squares of damaged runway sections and put them back together again before the next aircraft takes off.  Story
Afghans, International Community
Prep For National Elections
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2004 — The Afghan military and police are taking actions to ensure a safe environment so that fair and free elections occur as planned, a Combined Forces Command Afghanistan spokesman said today during a news conference in Kabul.  Story
Afghan Army's Kandahar
Regional Command Stands Up
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 20, 2004 — The Afghan National Army stood up its first regional command headquarters outside the Kabul area in Kandahar Sept. 19.  Story
Sep. 17
U.S. Envoy to Kabul Predicts
Successful Election in Afghanistan
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 — U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad says he expects a successful outcome to the October 9 presidential election in Afghanistan despite efforts by terrorists to disrupt it.  Story
82nd Paratroopers to Assist Security for Afghan Elections
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 — Army 82nd Airborne Division paratroopers will go to Afghanistan to assist with security efforts for that country's Oct. 9 presidential elections.  Story
American Diplomat Appointed to Lead Afghan Election Team
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 — The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has selected U.S. diplomat Robert Barry to head its first ever election support mission to a non-member state. Story
Coalition Troops Build Rapport in Paktika Province
PAKTIKA PROVINCE, Afghanistan, Sept. 17, 2004 — The “Wolfhounds” of 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment have been conducting patrols in Paktika Province, eastern Afghanistan, since they arrived in here five months ago.  Story
Eyeglass Clinic Helps Afghans See More Clearly
PANJSHIR PROVINCE, Afghanistan, Sept. 17, 2004 — Many Afghans can see reconstruction taking place in their country when Coalition reconstruction teams come into their area. Now, with a newly acquired capability, some Cooperative Medical Assistance missions will make it possible for even more Afghans to clearly see and appreciate Coalition reconstruction efforts.  Story
Center Coordinates Aviation Assets
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, Sept. 17, 2004 — As aircraft fly overhead completing vital missions throughout Afghanistan, the troops of Task Force Pirate ensure the aviation mission of Operation Enduring Freedom is running smoothly and safely.  Story
Sep. 15
Coalition: Taliban Claim 'Absolutely False'
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2004 — A Taliban claim that anti-coalition militia in Afghanistan had killed five U.S. soldiers and captured three others in an attack in Tarin Kot is "absolutely false," a spokesman for Combined Forces Command Afghanistan said today at news conference in the Afghan capital of Kabul.  Story
2 Injured by Improvised Explosive Device
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 15, 2004 — Two U.S. civilian dog handlers received minor injuries Sept. 15 when an improvised explosive device struck their vehicle around in Uruzgan Province, according to Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan officials. Story
Sep. 13
Afghanistan Makes Progress on Many Fronts
WASHINGTON — A fact sheet from the U.S. embassy in Afghanistan Sept. 12 details the progress accomplished in Afghanistan during the past month.  Story
Retired Afghan Soldier Works as an Interpreter
GHAZNI PROVINCE, Afghanistan, Sept. 13, 2004 — After serving 35 years in the Afghan National Army, one soldier found a way to continue to serve the people of Afghanistan after retirement. Story
Unrest Quickly Quashed; Insurgents Killed, Detained
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2004 — Recent unrest in Herat was confined to a small area of the city and was quickly brought under control, according to Combined Forces Command Afghanistan officials. Story
Afghan Presents Rug to Express Gratitude
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 13, 2004 — In a brief presentation during the Sept. 11 remembrance ceremony at Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan, Herat rug maker Mohammad Taher Sadiqee presented CFC-A Commander Lt. Gen. David Barno with a token of appreciation. Story
Sep. 11
U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Reflect on Sept. 11
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 11, 2004 — On a bright, sunny day three years ago, the world changed forever when terrorists hijacked commercial airliners and transformed them into weapons of mass destruction. Story
Zawahiri Statement Labeled
'Desperate Attempt to Disrupt'
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2004 — A videotaped statement by Osama bin Laden henchman Ayman Al-Zawahiri that coalition forces are "staying in their trenches and refusing to come out" represents a "desperate attempt to disrupt progress in Afghanistan," a coalition military spokesman said today at a news conference in the Afghan capital of Kabul. Story
Afghanistan Sept. 11 Ceremony Renews Purpose
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 12, 2004 — In a solemn ceremony marked with vivid memories, time-honored traditions, great symbolism and a call to a renewed sense of purpose, Combined Forces Command Afghanistan paused to remember the heinous acts of Sept. 11, 2001, on the third anniversary of the tragedy. Story
Sep. 10
U.S. Soldier Wounded in Deh Rawod Attack
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Sept. 10, 2004 — A U.S. soldier received shrapnel wounds in an attack in the Oruzgon province Sept. 9, according to Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan officials. Story
Civil-Military Missions Helping Win War on Terrorism
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Sept. 10, 2004 — In some of the most remote areas in Afghanistan, things are changing. Civil-military missions are taking medical assistance and resources for rebuilding to places like Shah Wali Kot, presenting a different approach to driving back the enemy and gaining the confidence of local villagers. Story
'Rat Patrol' Secures Afghan Mission
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Sept. 10, 2004 — Their name is inspired by a '60s television show, and their concept by the movie "The Dirty Dozen," but there is nothing staged about what this band of cooks, medics, mechanics, and supply and communication specialists are doing at Kandahar Airfield. Story
Sep. 8
New Afghan Army Recruiting Center
Opens for Business
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2004 — A new recruitment center for the Afghan National Army opened for business in Faizabad Sept. 7. Story
Afghan, Iraqi Elections' Approach
Likely to Increase Violence
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2004 — Violence in Iraq and Afghanistan is likely to increase as elections approach and terrorists realize those countries are close to implementing democratically elected governments, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Sept. 7. Story
Sep. 7
Coalition Helps Build Afghanistan’s ‘West Point’
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 7, 2004 — Teams of officers from the United States are working closely with their Afghan counterparts to establish the National Military Academy of Afghanistan, modeled after West Point. Story
Afghanistan Prepares Rehearsal
For Oct. 9 National Election
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7, 2004 — The Afghan government is preparing to conduct a dress rehearsal for the country's Oct. 9 presidential election.  Story
U.S. Helped Afghanistan Introduce New Currency
in Post-Taliban Era
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7, 2004 — The United States helped Afghanistan introduce a single national currency following the toppling of the Taliban regime as part of the U.S. effort to rebuild the Central Asian country, said U.S. Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs John Taylor Sept. 7. Story
Sep. 6
Several Militants Killed in Khowst Firefight
KABUL, Afghanistan — Several anti-Coalition militants were killed and two members of the Khowst Provincial Forces injured in a firefight Sept. 2 in Khowst province. One militant was also captured. The Coalition medically evacuated the two injured soldiers to Salerno, where they are in stable condition.
Sep. 3
22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit Afghanistan
Recap: Unit Drives Stake into Taliban Heartland
NAVAL STATION ROTA, Spain, Sept. 3, 2004 — During its failed decade-long involvement in Afghanistan, the Soviet Union and its Communist Afghan allies rarely, and never successfully, penetrated the country's remote and inaccessible Oruzgan province. Story
Firefighters Contain Blaze; No Injuries Reported
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan — There are no reported injuries from a fuel fire at a coalition base in Kunar Province. The fire began at about 7 p.m. when the base received rocket fire that caused fuel containers at the camp to catch fire. Coalition forces contained the fire.
Marines Drive Stake into Taliban Heartland
NAVAL STATION ROTA, Spain, Sept. 3, 2004 During its failed decade-long involvement in Afghanistan, the Soviet Union and its Communist Afghan allies rarely, and never successfully, penetrated the country's remote and inaccessible Oruzgan province. Story
Sep. 2
Marines Recap Operation Thunder Road
NAVAL STATION ROTA, Spain, Sept. 2, 2004 — The final major combat operation undertaken by the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) in Afghanistan kicked off on June 27 and ran through July 10.
Women's Equality Highlighted in Afghanistan
BAGRAM, Afghanistan, Sept. 2, 2004 — The ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on Aug. 26, 1920, was a turning point for America. The amendment officially acknowledged all U.S. citizens, regardless of gender, as equal. Most importantly, it gave women the right to vote. Story
Aug. 31
Coalition Beats Back Afghan Insurgent Attack
WASHINGTON, Aug. 31, 2004 — Coalition forces in Afghanistan beat back an insurgent attack launched Aug. 30 in the Konar Province region. Story
Aug. 30
Airmen Give 'Warthogs' Bite
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan — In a war zone, two elements make the A-10 Thunderbolt II, also known as the Warthog, unsurpassed in its close-air support mission. Story
Medics Respond to Afghanistan School Bombing
WASHINGTON, Aug. 30, 2004 — Coalition special operations forces medics, along with Afghan National Army personnel, rushed to help Afghan victims of an Aug. 28 explosion that ripped through a school in Zormat, killing 10 people, including a man, five teens and four young children. Story
Aug. 28
Coalition Makes a Difference for Afghans
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Aug. 28, 2004 –– The convoy crested a dusty hill and the riders could see Shah Wali Kot below. The village is nestled in a small valley with brown hills that reach skyward on either side. Children in the village stopped to look as vehicles rolled into town. They turned and waved. Story
Aug. 27
For Team, Every Second Counts
OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM — The 12-inch doors clunk shut as the explosive ordnance disposal team climbs into their armored Humvee. If it was not for the cool breeze from the air conditioner, the Airmen would be puddles of sweat dripping through the floorboard. Story
Team Brings Progress to Ghazni
GHAZNI PROVINCE, Afghanistan, Aug. 27, 2004 –– In many regions of Afghanistan, provincial reconstruction teams are helping the people rebuild their war-torn country. Story
Aug. 26
Battalion Gets Cash to Soldiers
KANDAHAR AIR FIELD, Afghanistan — Soldiers deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan don’t have the convenience of many back home amenities. Story
Air Force Forecasters Track Weather
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan –– No matter what the season, the weather changes quickly in the mountains of Afghanistan. Story
Afghan Woman Athlete Praised
WASHINGTON — Friba Razayee, 19, is the first Afghan woman to compete in the Olympics. Story
Forces Gear Up for Afghanistan Election
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26, 2004 — Coalition forces in Afghanistan are gearing up for the Oct. 9 elections in that country, Pentagon officials said today.There are about 18,000 coalition forces in Afghanistan, with about 16,500 of them American. Story
Aug. 25
U.S. Provides Financial Backing
For Beverage Facility
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23, 2004 — The Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a U.S. government agency, is loaning a company owned by Afghan-American businessmen $9.2 million to establish a facility in Kabul to produce clean drinking water, carbonated beverages and fruit juices. Story
Aug. 19

Afghans Improve Security for Elections

KABUL, Afghanistan, Aug. 19, 2004 — Afghan citizens want added security leading up to the presidential elections and that’s exactly what the Afghan National Police intends to provide. Story

Office of Special Investigations
Helps Keeps Bagram Safe

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, Aug. 19, 2004 — When responding to attacks against Bagram, one team’s philosophy is simple: The best defense is a proactive offense. Story
Aug. 23
Forces Fire on Vehicle Running Checkpoint
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Aug. 23, 2004 – Coalition forces fired on a pick-up truck that attempted to run through a joint Afghan National Army – Coalition check point near Ghazni, killing three and wounding two, Aug. 22. After the incident, soldiers searched the pick-up truck but did not find any weapons. Story
Aug. 20
Civil Affairs Teams Help
Build Relations with Afghans
FORWARD OPERATING SITE CARLSON, Afghanistan, Aug. 19, 2004 — Building relationships with the local population is vital to the success of missions in southeastern Afghanistan. Story
Aug. 18

Coalition Forces Capture 11 Insurgents

KABUL, Afghanistan, Aug. 18, 2004 — Afghan and coalition soldiers, assisted by U.S. Special Forces, captured 11 insurgents and also recovered a weapons cache south of the village of Nangalam Aug. 18, according to Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan officials. Story

USAID to Fund Development of
Afghan Telecommunications

WASHINGTON, Aug. 18, 2004 — The U.S. Agency for International Development has granted $14.2 million to Afghanistan's Ministry of Communications to create a national telecommunications system. Story

A-10s Rescue Ambushed Ground Forces

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, Aug. 18, 2004 — When Army Staff Sgt. Jamie Osmon met Capt. Tonto (call sign used for security reasons) for the second time Aug. 16, the reunion was much less hectic than the first. Story
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