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1,000 awards found, displaying 1 to 50.
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Award Number Title NSF Organization Program(s) Start Date Principal Investigator State Organization
0305399 Collaborative Research in Computer Graphics: Real-Time Visualization and Rendering of Complex Scenes CCF GRAPHICS & VISUALIZATION 12/15/2003 Jensen, Henrik CA University of California-San Diego
0326566 ITR COLLAB: Theory and Software Infrastructure for a Scalable Systems Biology CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 12/15/2003 Gross, Carol CA University of California-San Francisco
0326635 ITR COLLAB: Theory and Software Infrastructure for a Scalable Systems Biology CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 12/15/2003 Doyle, John CA California Institute of Technology
0325013 ITR: Collaborative Research: A Data Mining and Exploration Middleware for Grid and Distributed Computing CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 11/01/2003 Grossman, Robert IL University of Illinois at Chicago
0325344 ITR: Automated Design of Very Large Scale Integrated Biofluidic Chips CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 11/01/2003 Mukherjee, Tamal PA Carnegie-Mellon University
0325459 ITR: Collaborative Research: A Data Mining and Exploration Middleware for Grid and Distributed Computing CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 11/01/2003 Ranka, Sanjay FL University of Florida
0306244 CAD for VLSI Manufacturability and Reliability CCF DES AUTO FOR MICRO & NANO SYS 10/15/2003 Wong, Martin D. IL University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
0324770 ITR: Collaborative Research: Dependable End-User Software CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/15/2003 Myers, Brad PA Carnegie-Mellon University
0324844 ITR: Collaborative Research: Dependable End-User Software CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/15/2003 Wiedenbeck, Susan PA Drexel University
0324861 ITR: Collaborative Research: Dependable End-User Software CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/15/2003 Elbaum, Sebastian NE University of Nebraska-Lincoln
0324869 Collaborative Research: ITR: Mobile Supercomputing CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/15/2003 Wolf, Wayne NJ Princeton University
0325898 Collaborative Research: ITR : Mobile Supercomputing CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/15/2003 Mudge, Trevor MI University of Michigan Ann Arbor
0326364 ITR: Collaborative Research: Procedural Modeling of Urban Activity and Form CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/15/2003 Felsen, Martin IL Illinois Institute of Technology
0326542 ITR: Collaborative Research: Procedural Modeling of Urban Activity and Form CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/15/2003 Watson, Benjamin IL Northwestern University
0326590 ITR Collaborative Research: A Reusable, Extensible, Optimizing Back End CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/15/2003 Chambers, Craig WA University of Washington
0329323 Visualization: Plenoptic Opacity Function for Large Date Visualization CCF GRAPHICS & VISUALIZATION 10/15/2003 Huang, Jian TN University of Tennessee Knoxville
0310023 Blind Adaptive Channel Shortening CCF SIGNAL PROCESSING SYS PROGRAM 10/01/2003 Johnson, C. Richard NY Cornell University - Endowed
0312598 ITR: Controlling Software Complexity with Aspects and Analysis CCF ITR SMALL GRANTS 10/01/2003 Wand, Mitchell MA Northeastern University
0324969 ITR: Collaborative Research: Morphable Software Sevices: Self-Modifying Programs for Distributed Embedded Systems CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/01/2003 Gupta, Rajiv AZ University of Arizona
0325544 ITR: Collaborative Research: New Approaches to Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis of Genomic and Structural Biologic Data from Multiple Sources CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/01/2003 Doerschuk, Peter IN Purdue University
0325605 ITR: Collaborative Research: New Approaches to Experiemental Design and Statistical Analysis of Genomic and Structural Biologic Data from Multiple Sources CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/01/2003 Mishra, Bhubaneswar NY New York University
0325639 ITR: Cross-Layer Design of Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks for Real-Time Media CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/01/2003 Goldsmith, Andrea CA Stanford University
0325774 ITR: Collaborative Research: New Approaches to Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis of Genomic and Structural Biologic Data from Multiple Sources CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/01/2003 Mitter, Sanjoy MA Massachusetts Institute of Technology
0325802 ITR: Scalable Non-Stop Blade-Based Servers CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/01/2003 Nowatzyk, Andreas PA Carnegie-Mellon University
0326396 ITR: Collaborative Research: Morphable Software Services: Self-Modifying Programs for Distributed Embedded Systems CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 10/01/2003 Schwan, Karsten GA Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology
0234273 SOFTWARE: Framework for Mining Large and Complex Scientific Datasets CCF ADVANCED COMP RESEARCH PROGRAM 09/15/2003 Machiraju, Raghu OH Ohio State University Research Foundation
0306457 Active Support for the Evolution of Component-Based Software CCF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND LANGU 09/15/2003 Cook, Jonathan NM New Mexico State University
0309575 ITR: Distances and Generalized Geodesics for High-Dimensional Implicit and Point Cloud Surfaces:Theory, Computational Framework, and Applications in Information Sciences and Eng. CCF ITR SMALL GRANTS, COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS 09/15/2003 Sapiro, Guillermo MN University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
0310961 Construction of Low-Complexity, Capacity-Achieving Code Families from Expander Graphs CCF COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH 09/15/2003 Barg, Alexander MD University of Maryland College Park
0312780 ITR: Architectural Support for Programming-in-the-Small-and-Many CCF ITR SMALL GRANTS 09/15/2003 Medvidovic, Nenad CA University of Southern California
0312839 ITR: Universal Discrete Denoising CCF ITR SMALL GRANTS 09/15/2003 Verdu, Sergio NJ Princeton University
0321917 Collaborative Research-ITR-High Order Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Computational Tools, and Applications in Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Biology, and Fluids CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Osher, Stanley CA University of California-Los Angeles
0323672 Collaborative Research-ITR-Higher Order Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Computational Tools, and Applications in Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Biology, and Fluids CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Hosoi, Anette MA Massachusetts Institute of Technology
0323886 Collaborative Research - ITR-High Order Partial Differential Equations:Theory, Computational Tools, and Applications in Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Biology, and Fluids CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Fedkiw, Ronald CA Stanford University
0324306 ITR Collaborative Research: Perceptual Optimization for Data Visualization CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Laidlaw, David RI Brown University
0324899 ITR Collaborative Research: Perceptual Optimization for Data Visualization CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Ware, Colin NH University of New Hampshire
0324932 ITR Collaborative Research: Perceptual Optimization for Data Visualization CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 NH Dartmouth College
0325119 ITR: Distributed Smart Cameras: Algorithms, Architectures, and Synthesis CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Bhattacharyya, Shuvra Shikhar MD University of Maryland College Park
0325180 ITR Collaborative Research: Achieving the Rate-Diversity Tradeoff in Space-Time Codes CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Xia, Xiang-Gen DE University of Delaware
0325311 Collaborative Research: ITR: Secure Signal Embedding -- Code Design and Cryptanalysis CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Ramchandran, Kannan CA University of California-Berkeley
0325409 ITR: GridSec: Trusted Grid Computing with Dynamic Resources and Automated Intrusion Responses CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Hwang, Kai CA University of Southern California
0325685 ITR: Beowulf Analysis Symbolic INterface (BASIN) CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 McMillan, Stephen PA Drexel University
0325760 ITR: Liquid Atomization: Simulation, Discovery, and Control CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Shih, Tom I-P MI Michigan State University
0325924 Collaborative Research: ITR: Secure Signal Embedding -- Code Design and Cryptanalysis CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Moulin, Pierre IL University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
0326157 ITR: Nanoarchitecture: Balancing Regularity, Complexity, and Defect Tolerance using DNA for Nanoelectronic Integration CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 Lebeck, Alvin NC Duke University
0326194 ITR Collaborative Research: Perceptual Optimization for Data Visualization CCF ITR MEDIUM (GROUP) GRANTS 09/15/2003 House, Donald TX Texas Engineering Experiment Station
0330059 SENSORS: The Reachback Channel in Wireless Sensor Networks CCF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARC 09/15/2003 Servetto, Sergio NY Cornell University - Endowed
0333746 SGER: Efficient Groebner Basis Computation for Finding Implicit Representations of Geometric Objects CCF NUMERIC, SYMBOLIC & GEO COMPUT 09/15/2003 Tran, Quoc-Nam TX Lamar University Beaumont
0305393 ALGORITHM: Collaborative Research: SEIDD--Scalable Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Solving Parabolic Problems CCF ADVANCED COMP RESEARCH PROGRAM 09/01/2003 Zhuang, Yu TX Texas Tech University
0305763 ALGORITHMS: Performance Programming for Advanced Cache Architectures CCF ADVANCED COMP RESEARCH PROGRAM 09/01/2003 Prasanna, Viktor CA University of Southern California

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