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The Ultimate Guide to Aviation Safety

The ultimate guide to aviation safety is now available from the Naval Safety Center. It was developed by the aviation directorate and is in CD-ROM format.

It will provide commanding officers, aviation-safety personnel, and aeromedical professionals with a concise, one-stop shopping guide to aviation safety. Initially designed as the flight-surgeon's mishap guide, we found the references included in the CD also were those needed by safety officers and others involved in aviation safety.

The interactive CD-ROM contains current versions of OpNav instructions 3750.6R and 3710.7S, the Flight Surgeon's Pocket Reference to Aircraft Mishap Investigation, and procedures and guidance for human-factors councils and boards. ORM and NavOSH instructions also are included. 

Additionally, the CD-ROM contains sample pre-mishap plans, preformatted messages and hazard reports, and videos for bloodborne pathogens and composite-fiber premishap training. Aircraft mishap-investigation guidance for Air Force, Army, FAA, and AFIP also is included. All instructions are in Adobe acrobat.pdf format and are hyperlinked to appropriate references for easy interactive use. 

To obtain your copy, send an email to Provide your command mailing address and desired number of CD-ROMs (within reason). The Naval Safety Center will mail your copies within a few days. We welcome TyCom requests for CD-ROMs for redistribution. We can demonstrate the CD for large groups of potential users, such as, safety officers, commanding officers and aeromedical professionals. 

Cdr. Webster is the staff flight surgeon at the Naval Safety Center.

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