NSF is committed to helping all Americans - children as well as adults - become engaged in science, mathematics, and engineering. Science literacy is vital for everyone to make informed decisions about the challenges facing our nation in the years ahead.
Sensors: Buildings, Battlefields and Beyond --
Special Briefing, Discussion and Exhibits Exploring the New Technology of Sensors Details ...
Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge -- An international competition to encourage recognition of the visual and conceptual beauty of science and engineering. Details ...
Thank you for participating in
Excellence in Science, Technology, and Mathematics
Education (ESTME) Week, March 14-20, 2004. Next year, ESTME Week will be April 11-16.
Details ...
The Liberty Bell Protecting an American Icon |
The Universe from the Ground Up Ground-based Astronomy in the 21st Century -- symposium registration and much more ...
NEURO: An exhibition at the intersection of art and science Details ...
"Revelations In The Ice" Shackleton's Legacy: Antarctica Today -- The National Science Foundation and the Maryland Science Center are celebrating the legacy of Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton in a day-long event featuring modern day Antarctic researchers from throughout the nation. Details ...
Throughout these What's Cool web pages, you'll find hands-on learning activities and games for kids and parents; teaching materials for educators and students; lectures by distinguished scientists, engineers, and educators; and much more.
We're proud to be your partners - join us as we explore together the impact of science, mathematics, and engineering on individuals, communities, and the nation. |