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The PLANET Web portal provides cancer control planners, program staff, and researchers with access to web-based resources that can help them to:

  • Assess the cancer and/or risk factor burden within a given state.
  • Identify potential partner organizations.
  • Understanding current research findings and recommendations.
  • Access and download evidence-based programs and products.
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Conferences and Presentations

Provides a list of presentations from conferences sponsored or co-sponsored by the Office of the Director, Research Diffusion & Dissemination. Presentations may be downloaded or viewed online through Microsoft PowerPoint:


Designing for Dissemination Conference, September 19-20, 2002


Reducing Health Disparities in High Cervical Cancer Mortality Regions Roundtable Meeting, November 28-30, 2001 (Co-sponsored by NCI's Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities)


Bibliography of Diffusion & Dissemination Publications

  1. Abed J, Reilley B, Butler MO, Kean T, Wong F, Hohman K. Developing a framework for comprehensive cancer prevention and control in the United States: An initiative of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Journal of Public Health Management Practice 2000;6(2):68-78. (full text available; no subscription required).

  2. Advisory Committee on Cancer Control, National Cancer Institute of Canada. (1994) Bridging Research to Action: A Framework and Decision Making Process for Cancer Control. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 151 (8): 1141-1146.

  3. Andreasen A. Marketing social change: Changing behavior to promote health, social development, and the environment. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 1995.

  4. Balas EA, Boren SA. Managing Clinical Knowledge for Health Care Improvement. Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2000; 65-70.

  5. Battista RN. Innovation and diffusion of health-related technologies. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 1989;5:227-248.

  6. Bero LA, Roberto G, Grimshaw JM, Harvey E, Oxman AD, Thomson MA. Closing the gap between research and practice: An overview of systemic reviews of interventions to promote the implementation of research findings. British Med J 1998;317:465-469. (full text available; no subscription required).

  7. Best A, Hiatt R, Cameron R, Rimer B, Abrams D. The Evolution of Cancer Control Research: An International Perspective from Canada and the United States. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 2003, 12 (8): 705-712. (full text available, subscription required).

  8. Best, A, Stokols D, Green L, Leischow S, Holmes B, Bucholz K. An Integrative Framework for Community Partnering to Translate Theory into Effective Health Promotion Strategy. American Journal of Health Promotion 2003, 18(2): 168-176.

  9. Best A, Moor G, Holmes B, Clark P, Bruce T, Lieschow S, Bucholz K, Krajnack J. Health Promotion Dissemination and Systems Thinking: Toward and Integrative Model. American Journal of Health Behavior 2003, 27(supplement 3): s206-s216.

  10. Davis D, Evans M, Jadad A, Perrier L, Rath D, Ryan D, Sibbald G, Straus S, Rappolt S, Wowk M, Zwarenstein M. The case for knowledge translation: shortening the journey from evidence to effect. British Med J 2003;327:33-35 (5 July) (full text available; no subscription required).

  11. Davis P, Howden-Chapman P, Section T. Translating research findings into health policy. Social Science & Medicine 1996;43(5):865-872. (full text available; NIH subscription required).

  12. Dearing JW. Diffusion theory and societal betterment. Presented at the conference, "Forty Years of Diffusion of Innovation: Its Utility and Value in Public Health," George Washington University, Washington, D.C., April 2, 2002.

  13. Diffusion and Dissemination of Evidence-based Cancer Control Interventions. Summary, Evidence Report/Technology Assessment: Number 79. AHRQ Publication Number 03-E032, May 2003. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. (full text available, no subscription required).

  14. Dowie J. The Research-Practice Gap and the Role of Decision Analysis in Closing it. Health Care Analysis 1996; 4:5-18.

  15. Glasgow RE. Evaluation models for theory-based interventions: Enhancing the translation of theory and research to practice. AMC Cancer Research Center. URL:

  16. Glasgow RE. Evaluating the public health impact of health promotion interventions: The RE-AIM framework. American Journal of Public Health 1999;89(9):1322-1327. (abstract only; no subscription required).

  17. Glasgow R, Lichtenstein E, Marcus A. Why don't we see more Translation of Health Promotion Research to Practice? Rethinking the Efficacy to Effectiveness Transition. American Journal of Public Health 2003, 93 (8): 1261-1267. (full text available, subscription required).

  18. Handley MR, Stuart ME, Kirz HL. An evidence-based approach to evaluating and improving clinical practice: Implementing practice guidelines. HMO Practice 1994;8(2):75-83.

  19. Haynes R. What Kind of Evidence is it that Evidence-Based Medicine Advocates Want Health Care Providers and Consumers to Pay Attention To? BMC Health Services Research 2002, 2 (3).

  20. Hiatt RA, Rimer BK. A new strategy for cancer control research. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 1999;8:957-964. (full text available; no subscription required).

  21. Kanouse D, Jacoby I. When Does Information Change Practitioners' Behavior? International Journal of Technology Assessment in Healthcare 1998, 4: 27-33.

  22. Learmonth AM. Utilizing research in practice and generating evidence from practice. Health Education Research 2000;15(6):743-756. (full text available; no subscription required).

  23. Lomas J. Diffusion, dissemination, and implementation: Who should do what? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1993;703:226-237. (abstract only; no subscription required).

  24. Lomas J. Improving research dissemination and uptake in the health sector: Beyond the sound of one hand clapping. Center for Health Economics and Policy Analysis. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 1997.

  25. Lomas J. Retailing Research: Increasing the Role of Evidence in Clinical Services for Childbirth. Milbank Quarterly 1993, 71 (3): 439-475.

  26. McDonald MD. The prevention and control of cancer in the information age. Horizons 2013: Longer, better life without cancer. Edited by HG Brown and JR Seffrin. American Cancer Society 1996. 360 pages. Paperback. (book is not on Web site; book can be purchased commercially).

  27. Orlandi MA. Health promotion technology transfer: Organization perspectives. Cancer Journal of Public Health 1996;Suppl 2:S28-33.

  28. Parcel GS, Taylor WC, Brink SG, Gottlieb N, Engquist K, O'Hara NM, et al. Translating theory into practice: Intervention strategies for the diffusion of a health promotion innovation. Family & Community Health 1989;12(3):1-13.

  29. Parsons J, Merlin T, Taylor J, Wilkinson D, Hiller J. Evidence Based Practice in Rural and Remote Clinical Practice: Where is the Evidence? Australian Journal of Rural Health 2003, 11: 242-248. (full text available, subscription required).

  30. Pentz M.. Form Follows Function: Designs for Prevention Effectiveness and Diffusion Research. Prevention Science March 2004, 5(1): 23-29. (full text available, no subscription required).

  31. Rogers EM. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York: Free Press.

  32. Schoenwald S. Hoagwood K. Effectiveness, Transportability and Dissemination of Interventions: What Matters When? Psychiatric Services 2001, 52(9): 1190-1197. (full text available, no subscription required).

  33. Scott TL, Wong FL, Rimer BK. Dissemination of an evidence-based intervention manual to improve managed care mammography rates, Managed Care Interface, February 1999.

  34. West E, Barron D, Dowsett J, Newton J. Hierarchies and Cliques in the social networks of Health Care Professionals: Implications for the Design of Dissemination Strategies. Social Science and Medicine 1999, 48(5): 633-646. (full text available, no subscription required)

  35. Young WW, Marks SM, Kohler SA, Hsu AY. Dissemination of clinical results mastectomy versus lumpectomy and radiation therapy. Medical Care 1996;34(10):1003-017.


Examples of Research References for PAR: Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs) and the Translation of Research Into Practice



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