United States Library of Medicine


What is DocView?

DocView is a software program developed by the National Library of Medicine that runs under Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95 and Windows NT. It is intended to aid the library patron in receiving library documents delivered through the Internet. It can also aid librarians who deliver documents via the Internet. There are several ways that libraries may send documents over the Internet. These include the Ariel system from Research Libraries Group, email, and the World Wide Web. 

DocView can receive documents either directly or indirectly using any of these three techniques. By using the Ariel system, for instance, a librarian can scan a document such as a journal article to create bitmapped images. Ariel can send these images to another Ariel system, and it can send them to any computer running DocView. When DocView receives the document images, it notifies the user, who in turn can view or print the document. 

DocView offers a number of features for using the document, including electronic bookmarks, zoom and shrink, rotation and document management. The recipient may also have DocView forward the document to another person over the Internet using email or Ariel communication protocols.