Primary Batteries SIC 3692: Customs Value by Customs Value
For ALL Countries

U.S. Imports For Consumption

Annual + Year-To-Date Data from Jan - Dec


Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1999 YTD 2000 YTD Percent Change
YTD1999 - YTD2000
In 1,000 Dollars
Japan 157,605 159,035 147,474 125,287 214,740 154,722 109,433 147,613 152,980 147,613 152,980 3.6%
China 8,495 8,900 11,638 14,596 26,168 34,069 47,036 88,255 81,042 88,255 81,042 -8.2%
Indonesia 13,427 21,662 22,461 27,557 34,023 41,288 50,052 75,321 49,844 75,321 49,844 -33.8%
Mexico 955 628 1,588 6,824 18,532 10,595 30,509 16,641 21,637 16,641 21,637 30.0%
Canada 2,698 3,272 2,794 2,459 3,601 2,355 8,274 12,703 16,338 12,703 16,338 28.6%
Israel 8,619 7,935 7,793 10,217 9,234 11,446 10,936 12,425 15,193 12,425 15,193 22.3%
Germany 6,364 9,377 5,789 7,359 7,914 10,456 14,772 17,917 14,065 17,917 14,065 -21.5%
Korea 6,731 8,286 7,933 8,153 8,698 13,884 14,966 12,199 13,736 12,199 13,736 12.6%
Switzerland 4,353 5,246 5,758 7,311 8,686 8,933 9,579 9,490 13,544 9,490 13,544 42.7%
Malaysia 985 351 840 1,020 1,018 1,020 1,715 11,426 13,496 11,426 13,496 18.1%
United Kingdom 8,852 4,307 2,759 1,715 2,879 2,680 3,035 4,305 10,039 4,305 10,039 133.2%
Singapore 3,786 3,874 2,803 3,233 3,065 2,982 5,994 5,364 9,438 5,364 9,438 75.9%
Taiwan 5,360 7,007 9,262 8,013 12,400 18,668 11,181 6,860 8,298 6,860 8,298 21.0%
Hong Kong 17,467 16,635 15,891 12,920 11,354 12,162 6,730 7,235 8,085 7,235 8,085 11.8%
France 1,934 3,880 3,091 4,186 4,895 5,296 4,454 4,252 6,579 4,252 6,579 54.7%
Belgium 1,195 9,149 16,781 12,073 10,679 4,791 5,169 4,548 6,478 4,548 6,478 42.4%
Spain 638 864 1,594 1,610 1,779 886 1,324 1,233 4,803 1,233 4,803 289.6%
Sweden 156 113 115 274 137 241 333 934 3,525 934 3,525 277.3%
Poland 0 0 0 0 463 861 691 1,136 3,212 1,136 3,212 182.7%
Thailand 147 162 101 58 37 160 1,387 3,116 2,015 3,116 2,015 -35.3%
Philippines 4,085 3,512 4,122 3,123 3,513 3,086 2,135 1,987 1,990 1,987 1,990 0.1%
India 5 60 701 50 276 70 210 1,012 770 1,012 770 -24.0%
Denmark 1,298 720 526 712 1,041 802 816 1,003 693 1,003 693 -30.9%
Netherlands 172 302 585 102 11 22 345 1,060 468 1,060 468 -55.8%
Australia 1,036 231 55 13 37 48 99 108 423 108 423 290.9%
Subtotal : 256,363 275,507 272,454 258,863 385,182 341,525 341,173 448,145 458,693 448,145 458,693 2.4%
All Other: 8,062 9,955 6,829 3,385 1,940 1,637 1,539 2,735 2,851 2,735 2,851 4.2%
Total 264,425 285,462 279,283 262,248 387,122 343,162 342,712 450,880 461,544 450,880 461,544 2.4%


Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.