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Beverages Index Page 
Current Exports NAICS & HS Codes
Beverage Manufacturing NAICS 3121
Alcoholic Beverages NAICS 3121-14
Breweries NAICS 31212
Wineries NAICS 31213
Distilleries NAICS 31214
Soft Drinks NAICS 312111
Bottled Water NAICS 312112
Beer (value)(quantity) coming soon
Wines (value)(quantity) coming soon
Branded Spirits (value)(quanitity) coming soon
Wine to WWTG (value)(quantity) coming soon
Wine to EU (value)(quantity) coming soon
Current Imports NAICS & HS Codes
Beverage Manufacturing NAICS 3121
Alcoholic Beverages NAICS 3121-14
Breweries NAICS 31212
Wineries NAICS 31213
Distilleries NAICS 31214
Soft Drinks NAICS 312111
Bottled Water NAICS 312112
Beer (value)(quantity) coming soon
Wines (value)(quantity) coming soon
Branded Spirits (value)(quanitity) coming soon
Wine to WWTG (value)(quantity) coming soon
Wine to EU (value)(quantity) coming soon
Census Bureau Reports pdf reader
Monthly Retail Sales
Annual Retail Trade Survey 92-99
Statistics for Industry
Value of Product Shipments
Special Report
World Wine Trade Group
U.S. Wine Industry 2002
U.S. Wine and Grape Production
The wine report is available for download in MS Excel format.
Industry Outlook
Processed Food and Beverages
Access 94, 98, 99 & 2000 editions!
Industry News
Tariff Rates
For U.S. Tariffs on beverages view chapter 22 of the Tariff Schedule.  For more information, visit the TIC or call 800-USA-TRADE.
NAICS Information
The NAICS is replacing the SIC system. Click to learn more.  Or View a conversion chart between the SIC and NAICS codes.

For more information, contact Donald Hodgen at: Donald_A_Hodgen@ita.doc.gov or call: (202) 482-3346 or

Megan Crowe at: Megan_Crowe@ita.doc.gov or call: (202) 482-2250

Last Updated on 9-20-04 by JF.

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